JULY 10, 2020
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Matthew 24:35
Grace and Peace,
It has been 4 strange months since Saint John’s and the other parishes in the diocese closed their buildings in an effort to limit the spread of the Corona Virus. Unfortunately, as churches scattered about the country reopen, with and without precautions, we find that they have become hot spots for the virus; even the churches that have followed all the prescribed precautions have been the source of infections. Worship in a manner that mirrors what we did 5 months ago is not safe, and does not reflect our love for one another. We can do things differently.
Beginning this Sunday at 8am we will worship outdoors. Following the best advice available, as well as the requirements and recommendations of the diocese, state, and county, worship in the coming weeks will look a bit different. 
  • Only 50 people may attend
  • Preregistration is required. This permits contact tracing if needed
  • Physical distancing and masks are required
  • BYOC - bring your own chair or blanket please
  • Bulletins will be available but we encourage you to use a smart device and download it prior to the service, if you use a printed bulletin take it home with you for recycling
  • If you are at-risk, ill, or exhibiting symptoms common to Covid-19, please stay home; our digital worship will continue to be available
  • Please read and agree to follow the Diocesan Regathering Covenant that is linked with the worship announcements
  • In the event of rain worship will be cancelled with a posting noted on the church Facebook page
Worship will follow our Morning Prayer offering and will continue to be shared online. Eucharist will not be offered as that would create an unintended segregation between those who can and can not attend and at its heart Eucharist, or Communion, is a community event to be shared by all. I look forward to sharing Eucharist with everyone when it is time. 
This outdoor worship is a trial and we appreciate your willingness to let us try new ways of worshiping. Seeing how this works during July and August will help direct our plans for worship this fall and into the winter, so please share your feedback. We have also taken steps to improve our HVAC system and building sanitizing, unfortunately due to backlog these will not be ready until later this summer.
In the coming weeks I look forward to seeing some of you from behind our masks. Also, please note that anytime you are at the church, whether to pick up or drop items off, (even if your visit is only for a few minutes) it is important that you wear a mask; not only for your protection but also for the protection of the staff.
God be with you until we meet again
Fr. Henry+
GIVE online or by Mailing to:
PO Box 187
Olney, MD 20832
As our physical doors remain closed, we continue to adapt to an online ministry in an attempt to stay on top of changing needs. Your support is important and vital at this time and we thank you for your continued support to St. John's and its ministries. Quarterly Contribution statements going out soon.
SERVICE OF COMPLINE Tuesday Evenings @ 8pm

C.S. Lewis
BOOK 3 - Chapter 7 "Forgiveness"

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 0378 8008
9:30am recording in the church.

Schedule is below:
Thursday, July 16 - Will Lederer
Thursday, July 23 - Mathy Downing
Thursday, July 30 - Chuck McQueen
O friends in gladness
let us sing!
Favorite Hymns of St. John’s
In May, parishioners were given the opportunity to submit their favorite hymns to be included in a video that Fr. Henry and Jim Kreger would produce. The original plan was to include about twenty of the top favorites with the intention that it could be used to accompany your own hymn singing at home. Eight parishioners responded with thirty-four hymns requested; twelve have been included on the final video . Depending on response to our first video, a second video could be forthcoming in the fall.
James Kreger
Organist and Choirmaster
Register today @
$10 for 5 rounds + bonus round
Hosted by African Palms USA
Wednesday, July 16th @ 7:30pm

Covid-19 has severely impacted 2020 sale of African Palms crosses.
In an effort to "build back up" African Palms is hosting a Virtual Bible Trivia fund raising event. Your donation of will be poured back in to the ministry and sent to Tanzania in grants.
A month of Narnia

Summer activities, weekly challenges and reflections for your household.

Activities, Children’s Messages
and Worship, Vacation Bible School
lead-up activities all on
“Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved,
for you are the one I praise”
Jeremiah’s 17:14

Dear God,

Your Word speaks promises of healing and restoration and we thank you for the miracles you still perform today.
We claim your promises over all in need of healing. We believe in the healing power of faith and prayer and ask you to begin your mighty work in their lives. Surround them with supernatural peace and strength and give them the faith
to believe that all things are possible
with you and through you.

Your love is as wide as the oceans
As deep as the sea
And as tall as the heavens.
May your spirit rise like a mightly
wave and come and restore
those who are ill.
You are the water of life,
You are a fresh spring,
You are healing rain
To all those who are in need.

In Jesus Name
Use this list to pray and to show your love and concern for the sick, shut-in, bereaved, or those merely in
need of prayer.

Mary Persinger
Bishop James
Maura Parker
Marley Gilchrist
Paul Littlewood
Chris Prinz
Phil Cushman
Catherine Cant
Joanne Brine
Melissa Bank
Craig Schumpert
Lori Billings
Jane Nicholson
Edith Pangisa
Frances Hunt
Marilyn Lee
3427 Olney-Laytonsville Road
Olney, MD 20832