February 2021
This month we’re celebrating your heart—physically and emotionally. February is National Heart Health Month and Valentine’s Day is right in the middle of it. Keep reading to learn more about warming your heart (and kidneys!) with a seasonal chicken soup recipe, mindfulness meditation and self love, and a 1,000 year old herbal medicinal that we just love!
Do you know how your heart and circulatory system work? Watch this short, educational video from Mayo Clinic and find out! Everyone should have this basic information and someday it may help save your life.

With LOVE,
Preventative Protection
We cannot control our external environment—the weather, the temperature, or the time of year. We can control our internal environment by keeping ourselves healthy and strong with a good diet, herbs, and supplements. Keeping the organs of our body strong, particularly the lungs, the kidneys, and the spleen (digestion) will keep us fit to fight the germs and viruses we can't avoid. The stronger these organs are, the more “upright” our qi is, and the more strength we have to do battle.

Jade Windscreen is a classic herbal medicinal formula that helps ward off sickness in its earliest stages. Feeling a little tickle in your throat? Body aches warning of sickness ahead? Start the Jade Windscreen protocol and knock out that cold or flu before it takes over. This formula is also appropriate to take pre-sickness, as a preventative measure. Jade Windscreen boosts the immune system by strengthening the lungs and spleen and preventing your body from sweating, thereby stopping the loss of excess qi. The Jade Windscreen formula is over 1000 years old and is still effective against colds, the flu, and viruses. Get in touch and we'll discuss how this formula might benefit your health.
Get in the Right Headspace
Patients at the Acupuncture by Andrea clinic often inquire about apps and classes to learn meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness. One of my favorite sites that I often recommend is Headspace.

An online company offering meditation and mindfulness practice, Headspace was born of one man’s desire to learn meditation and realized through a desire to help the world meditate and expand human mindfulness. This mission to improve the health and happiness of the world’s people has gained millions of adherents in more than 190 countries.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’d like to share with you the Headspace page on love, relationships, and self love, containing readings, sound, and video lessons to get you in the mood for all types of love. 

Foods in season during the winter are the most appropriate to eat during the season. Eating by seasonality means nutrients can be fully digested for good elimination, giving your immune system a boost in warding off those winter colds and flus. The kidneys are the organ associated with winter and water. Hidden deep inside, the kidneys act as your battery, helping to run the entire ecosystem of your body, so you want them charged and in the best working condition possible. Eating right to power the kidneys also avoids weakening them through food related health issues.

Kidney fortifying winter foods
  • kidney beans and black beans
  • dark green leafy vegetables
  • nuts such as walnuts and chestnuts
  • animal kidneys
  • seafood
  • miso
  • soy sauce
  • seaweed
  • millet and barley
  • foods that are blue or black (the color associated with the Water element)

For optimal winter health, add these warming spices to your shopping list
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Cumin

Try this Chicken and Ginger Soup recipe for a delicious and fortifying winter meal!

Take chicken portions and boil them together with two chopped potatoes, or half a white Chinese turnip, and 1 tablespoon of ginger. When the potato and chicken pieces are somewhat cooked, add diced vegetables and spices.The diced vegetables should include three diced cloves of garlic and one chopped onion, since these are essential for adding yang. You can also include a cup of carrots, a cup of mushrooms, a cup of zucchini or bok choy, or other similar vegetables. Seasonings: To the mix, add a teaspoon of sea salt, and, if you wish, additional herbs, such as several thin-sliced pieces of milk vetch root or pinches of turmeric. If you like red pepper, add that for a zang!


February is HEART HEALTH MONTH! Remember to treat your sweetheart—or yourself—to some heart healthy information. Book an acupuncture appointment and get a free consultation on your heart’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas that can use some TLC. Herbal therapy and food recommendations, too!

Then book a massage for a future date and get 20% off. 20%!!! That’s a veritable gold mine of health to make your body oh so happy and oh so healthy!

The Most Beautiful Things
The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.