Welcome to the first publication of The Prevention Post!
A Division for Advancing Prevention & Treatment (ADAPT) provides Training and Technical Assistance to HIDTA communities across the nation. The Prevention Post is designed to keep HIDTA communities up-to-date with the latest advances and opportunities in the field.
Director's Message
Dear HIDTA Communities,

The mission of ADAPT is to advance knowledge, skills, and quality outcomes in the field of substance use prevention while supporting you in your efforts to integrate evidence-based strategies into your communities. We take this mission very seriously and are excited to offer you another way of staying on top of the latest advances in the field and across HIDTAs through our quarterly newsletter The Prevention Post.

Over the last year and a half, ADAPT has been building its training and technical assistance infrastructure, nurturing important collaborations with prevention partners, and developing essential communication channels with all of you in order to understand and meet your needs in a timely and effective manner. We enjoyed hearing from many of you at the 2021 HIDTA Prevention Summit earlier this month and look forward to many more opportunities to connect and share with each other as we cultivate prevention in our communities.



Lora Peppard, PhD, DNP, PMHNP-BC
Director of ADAPT
Deputy Director for Treatment & Prevention
Washington/Baltimore HIDTA
In Case You Missed It!
Thank you to everyone who attended The 2021 HIDTA Prevention Summit: Advancing Prevention Perspectives through Education, Application, & Impact. Topics included advances in prevention science, normalizing prevention, and systems of prevention. Get access to all event resources here. Recorded presentations can be accessed from the ADAPT YouTube channel.  
Mark Your Calendars

The EBP Spotlight Series promotes the use of evidence-based substance use prevention strategies throughout HIDTA communities.

ADAPT invites you to join us October 26th for the next webinar in our Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Spotlight Series: PAX Good Behavior Game.

PAXIS Institute Presenters Include:
Dennis Embry, PhD, President
Carmen Irving, MA, Vice President
Jason Fruth, PhD, Executive Director of Research & Development
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
2:30-4:00pm EST
2021 Virtual Western States Marijuana Summit
November 2-3, 2021
Sponsored by the San Diego/Imperial Valley HIDTA, National Marijuana Initiative, and Marijuana Prevention Initiative of San Diego County.
2021 Virtual Western States Opioid/Stimulant Summit
November 4-5, 2021
Sponsored by the San Diego/Imperial Valley HIDTA, Department of Justice, and San Diego County's Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force and Meth Strike Force.
Both events are free!
Resources From The Field
Prevention Core Competencies
SAMHSA released a training manual covering prevention core competencies, with the goal to strengthen the substance use prevention field through further professionalization. Click here to learn more and view their training manual.
Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking
A guide titled, “Turning Data Into Action: A User’s Guide to the Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking” was released by SAMHSA. This guide provides an easy-to-read overview of the Report to Congress, an annual report on the consequences of underage drinking and Federal and State policies to prevent and reduce it. It can be viewed here. 
Updated Resources for "Talk. They Hear You." Campaign
SAMHSA’s “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign has launched a new mobile app to help parents and caregivers have conversations with their children about alcohol and other drugs. The app helps to equip users with skills, confidence, and knowledge to turn everyday situations into opportunities to talk. More information is available here. Additionally, the campaign has expanded its number of PSA flyers, which can be viewed here.
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day will be held on October 23, 2021. Hosted by the DEA, Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications. To learn more, click here
Operation Prevention
The DEA, has partnered with Discovery Education to offer prevention-focused online tools for students grades 3-12 as well as educators, families and professionals. Learn more about kickstarting your own lifesaving conversations here.
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The ADAPT Team