October 20, 2021
Important Dates

  • October 22: 5:00-7:00 Fall Fest
  • October 26: 4:00-8:00 Parent Teacher conferences in person
  • October 28: 11:30 dismissal & Packer dress down day
  • October 28: 1:00-6:00 Parent Teacher conferences virtual
  • October 29: No School
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 26th - 4:00pm - 8:00pm (in person)
October 28th - 1:00pm - 6:00pm (virtual)

Signing up for conference times will be handled through PowerSchool. Here is some important information you will need to know before you get started.

  • Before you get started, you will need your PowerSchool username and password for YOUR (not your child) access account.

  • Middle School Parents - if you have more than one middle school student please utilize your 10 minutes for both or all your middle school students. If you need more time you can always schedule time with any given teacher for another day. This is so everyone who needs a conference can get one.

  • Once you have your PowerSchool login information ready, use the instructions below to sign up for conferences.

  • If you choose a virtual conference on Oct. 28th, then you will be receiving an email, early the week of the conferences, with a googlemeet link for each specific teacher. You will utilize that link during your scheduled time. The teacher will allow you access into the meeting when your conference begins. This will allow a private conversation between you and the teacher for your scheduled time.

GRACE Strategic Planning
GRACE Fall 2021 Newsletter
The GRACE News Fall 2021 Newsletter is now available. This edition features a variety of stories, including a cover story highlighting our new GRACE Little Saints Child Care program. To read the newsletter, please click here.
Rise Up Raiders Night (RURN)
Rise Up Raiders Night Fundraiser

*RURN is in desperate need of an Auctioneer! If you have the personality and excitement to help us out, please contact Holly Williams at [email protected]. It is only a 1 hour commitment!!

*Please join us at our school's ONLY Fundraiser, Rise Up Raiders Night, November 5th! Get your babysitter now and enjoy a kid-fee evening of camaraderie and fun!

*Buy or sell your blue Raider Raffle Tickets for a chance to win $10,000! Purchase of ticket includes admission for 2 into event! ($50 value)

*Sign up below to help with set up OR work at the event! Best way to get priority hours!

Fall Fest Oct. 22
Hi Parents!
We are still looking for Parent volunteers, as well as some student volunteers for Fall Fest on Friday October 22nd from 5-7

We thank your for help and are excited for the first Fall Fest in our new school!
Counselor's Corner - Mrs. Kielpikowski
Counselor’s Corner- Mrs. Kielpikowski
Happy Fall! Hope you are enjoying the beautiful changing of the seasons. Surely, God’s handiwork! I just wanted to reach out about a potential opportunity for your son/daughter. Small group counseling is something I offer to students. It would be a group of similar aged students who would meet with me to talk about a specific topic. It could be friendship, family, self-control, anger, stress, study skills or other topics as appropriate. It is a chance for students to be with others with similar concerns. They can learn and grow from each other as well as from me. No one besides their teacher and myself would know they are in the group. The group members follow confidentiality guidelines as well, so they do not share what it said in the group setting. Please contact me if you have any questions at [email protected].

Drop off/Pick up reminder
For everyone's safety...Vehicles must pull as far forward as possible into the cut-out before students can exit the vehicle. Students must exit the vehicle while the driver remains in the vehicle. If a student requires adult assistance to exit the vehicle, please park on a nearby street. Click here for the 2021-22 procedures.
October 2021 Our Lady of Good Help feast
Living the Liturgical Year as a Family

October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary, due to the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. October is also the month when the Virgin Mary appeared to a Belgian immigrant, Adele Brise, in 1859. This took place on the grounds of Champion, WI., when the town was known as Robinsonville. Not too far from our beloved NDDP. 

On August 15, 2016, The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops declared Champion a National Shrine, by formal decree, distinguishing ‘The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help’ as the first and only Catholic Shrine in America with a Church-approved Marian Apparition Site. Our Lady of Good Help’s feast day is celebrated on October 9th.

For more information, click here
GRACE Calendar Raffle
The GRACE Calendar Raffle sale will continue through the middle of December. THANK YOU to those who've already sold their calendars, we had a great week of sales!  Our goal is to surpass last year's sales! We are currently at about 43% of our total goal! If every family sells just 5 calendars, over $20,000 will be raised for Notre Dame of De Pere third source funding dollars. Each $20 raffle ticket will give the recipient a chance to win over $10,000! If you are in need of additional calendars or have any questions, please contact Kari Jossart @ [email protected]
Golden Apple Awards Program
Each year, the Greater Green Bay Chamber’s Golden Apple Awards program strives to improve the awareness of the quality of education in the Greater Green Bay area. We do so by recognizing high standards of professionalism, leadership, and innovation in teaching. It is our pleasure to kick off the 29th Annual Golden Apple Awards program, accepting teacher nominations from Oct. 4, 2021 through Oct. 29, 2021. This year’s Golden Apple Awards program kickoff is being hosted VIRTUALLY to ensure the safety and health of our school partners, volunteers, and the community at large.

Golden Apple Introduction video presented by WLUK Fox 11: Golden Apple Introduction video 

Electronic Submitted Nomination Form: Nomination form
Volunteer Requirements & Opportunities

Notre Dame of De Pere follows all safe environment guidelines administered by the Diocese of Green BayAny adult who volunteers at Notre Dame of De Pere is required to have a current background check on file, complete a VIRTUS training course and sign the volunteer agreement form each year.

To complete the background check, volunteers are required to provide personal references, sign a declaration form, and authorize a criminal background check and receive a satisfactory report.
Complete the background check here: eAppsDB (School Code: gbdioc04)

All volunteers who have contact with children, young people and individuals at risk as part of their volunteer duties are required to complete the VIRTUS Adult Awareness Training Session.

All volunteers must sign and return the Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct for Volunteers Form to the school office each year.
Other News