March 1, 2021
A Message From Our Executive Director
Couples, RCDVC Team, and Board Members,

I want to extend a sincere thank you to all the couples that participated in this year’s 8th Annual Heart-to-Heart Dancing with the Stars. Each of you brought out your talents and shared them with the community. Your dancing and pledging will provide a glimmer of hope to a man, woman or a child faced with heart-rendering abuse. Know that you have provided the start of healing for those that walk into River City Domestic Violence looking to start their journey of healing. Each victim that calls us, walks in to visit with us, or stays in our safe haven is seeking help. Their abuse is not a one-time event, it is a series of events that takes place over time before they reach us before they muster the courage to reach out to us. For those individuals, your contribution will ensure that River City Domestic Violence is there to answer their call and provide hope and reassurance in a time of desperation.
The generosity of each of you and your pledgers will be a forever impact on our agency to help victims and none of those pledges would have been possible without YOU. Your dances, moves, songs, and talent has made us laugh and cry. Laugh, because you are brave and put yourself out there to help another and cry, because we feel the love and awareness that you are spreading about our agency.
I also want to thank EACH and EVERY ONE of the sponsors who have supported our dance couples and our agency. Thank you again for always being the light that shines upon our community.
And lastly but not least, I want to thank the TEAM and Board members at River City Domestic Violence Center. They are the branches that reached out during this pandemic and made this event crazy fun. They are behind the scenes “making it happen” go getters. Their enthusiasm for this event lies in knowing that they will be able to provide support, comfort, services, late night crisis calls, and most importantly security and trust.
Stacy Starzl Hansen
Executive Director
River City Domestic Violence Center "We Believe"
Upcoming Events
Sexual Assault Awareness Month is around the corner. Here, at River City Domestic Violence Center, that means we get out into the community, via social media, tabling and presentations.
This year for SAAM, you will hear us asking Yankton to put an end to victim blaming and to believe survivors.
False reporting of sexual assaults is only 2-10%, similiar to false reporting of other crimes. So, we ask you to be an ally to survivors and end the culture of victim blaming.
If you'd like us to present, table or do an in-person or zoom training at your place of work, chuch, or club, send us a message! It's always free and we love spreading the word.
Service Spotlight
We would like to extend our thanks to First United Methodist Church! They set up a Sweetheart Tree for Valentine's Day to collect donations for our shelter.
Actions speak louder than words, and today you have shown this to be the absolute truth. Thank You!

“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”
We want to thank Sacred Heart School for their donation of Community Sack Packs to our shelter! These thoughtful bags are filled will hygiene products to give to clients as they check into our Emergency Shelter.
March Happenings
Wish List