Advantage Advisor
Monthly Newsletter
January / 2020
The New Year is a time when many begin to reflect on what they want to accomplish. Many people put personal finances at the top of their list when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions.

For those who are looking for some ways to boost their financial well-being in the coming year, take a look at these top financial New Year’s Resolutions to make for 2020!

Click below for more information:
In This Issue:

Financial Resolutions
Credit Counseling Offers
High Cost Of Being Unhealthy
Save Money For Next Holiday
Clients Speak Out
Company News & Events
Employee Spotlight
The Advantage Challenge
Many people in the world are currently overwhelmed with bills they’ve accumulated from unsecured debt like credit cards and loans. When bills go awry, it can be difficult for a person to climb his or her way out from under the debt rock. Fortunately, there is a way to recover from credit card .... Read more!
Individuals who struggle with obesity, being overweight, or just living an unhealthy lifestyle not only suffer physically and mentally but usually financially as well. The financial costs of obesity include medical, disability, and even lost productivity. More health problems means more ....  Read more!
If you went over budget a bit this holiday you won’t regret it until you get the bills in January. By then it will be too late to realize some great savings that you can take advantage of right as the holiday season is winding down. We’ll show you ways to save money on the holidays next year by starting today and ....  Read more!
"When I started the program, I was so far in debt. I never thought I would have been able to get out of it. The staff was so awesome! Now, 5 and a half years later, I am completely out of debt. I would have been still paying for the rest of my life without them. Thank you."  ~ Gregory G.
"Extremely professional and thorough. Best decision I ever made was working with your company. Thank you so much!"  ~ Lori K.
"We were very pleased with Advantage Credit Counseling Service. We were able to pay off a lot of debt."  ~ Thomas S.
Meet the pets of Advantage CCS!
One of our awesome certified credit counselors (who will remain unnamed) started the pet photos on our fridge in the break room and it just grew from there! It was a fun way to help celebrate the holidays!

Happy New Year from everyone here at Advantage Credit Counseling Services!
In our “Employee Spotlight” series, we ask our employees about the role they play in our agency and a little bit about their personal life. We want to give you the ability to hear right from them about what gets them excited to come to work each day and how they personally help all of our clients succeed.
Let's meet our Financial Empowerment Center ,   (soon-to-be)  Financial Counselor,   Alicia Donner !
How long have you worked for the FEC? –  "Two months – very much the new kid on the block!"
What are your primary job duties? –  "Currently, I am studying away for my Financial Counselor Certification at the south side office, but I'm really looking forward to Monday, Feb. 3rd, which is when I officially begin counseling in Pittsburgh’s East End!"
What was the most unusual and/or interesting job you've ever had? –  "I worked at a single stream recycling sorting facility the summer after high school. It was very dirty – and stinky. So, please wash out your recycling!"
Would you say you're messy or organized? –  "Both? I am definitely a messy person who puts off cleaning, but also find a KonMari very calming"
What's your favorite food? –  " Superman ice cream."
What's your least favorite food? –  "Apples – but I’m trying! And also mayonnaise."
Do you have any hobbies? –  " Knitting, biking, volunteering."
What is the one thing you couldn’t live without? –  " My cat, Buddy!"
What is your favorite book and/or movie? –  " Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, and The Royal Tenenbaums."
What is your favorite color? –  "Orange."
What is your favorite vacation spot? -  "The Upper Peninsula of Michigan, aka da Yoop."
Are you up for the Advantage Challenge?

Advantage CCS challenges YOU to...set a financial goal for 2020!

Write down what you want to accomplish and start to think about the steps it will take to achieve your goal. Use our free online tools such as Budget Builder or Goal Tracker to help you get there. We would love to hear what you’re working towards and how we might be able to help!

Let us know what your financial goal for 2020 is! Email and tell us all about it! We'd love to hear from you!