To Staff and the Twin Rivers School Community,
As you know, the District has been working diligently to prepare and plan for a range of options for the start of the 2020-2021 school year on August 18. Many of you have joined us in this discussion by providing your feedback, comments and concerns over the past several months. Thank you for your support and patience during this time of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We continue to diligently follow the guidance from the Sacramento County Health Department and the California Department of Public Health, and are preparing for a year-long educational program that is flexible and appropriate given the circumstances at any given time. In short, as guidance changes, we will pivot, as well—always putting the safety of our students and staff as our first responsibility.
As everyone is very well aware of how rapidly things can change, we recognize that we must be able to adjust quickly to the circumstances with a strong educational program that minimizes lost instructional time. This is accomplished through a year-long flexible educational plan.
Best regards,