November 5, 2021
SRPC staff enjoy an afternoon at DeMeritt Hill Farm in Lee, NH.
The countdown to Thanksgiving is on! Three weeks until delicious turkey (or tofurkey for those vegetarians out there), family time, and football. There is lots to be thankful for all year round, but at this time of year in particular we reflect on what each of us appreciates in our lives. We wish you and your families a great start to the holiday season.
In this issue you will find information on SRPC’s latest and upcoming guest presentations, planning events of interest, staff news, the NH Small Business Development Center Phase 3 Survey Report, the NH King Tide Contest (which starts today) and NHMA's 80th annual conference, SRPC's next Commission meeting, some available grant funding and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
SRPC's Latest Guest Presentations
Planning Events of Interest
Staff News: Kathy Foster Promoted
NH SBDC Release COVID Survey Phase III Report
SRPC Closes Out Data Collection Season
In Case You Missed It
Save the Date: December Commission Meeting
Grant Corner
Community Happenings
Waterfront views in Burlington, VT where the annual Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) annual conference was held. (SRPC Photo)
Students from the Dover Adult Learning Center's ESL Civics class share their experiences with climate change and how it has impacted their lives in New Hampshire and in their home countries of Brazil, Serbia, China, Mongolia, and Russia. (Photo Credit: SRPC)
SRPC'S LATEST Guest Presentations for POP!
The NH Toy Network's "The Developmental Benefits of Outdoor Play" webinar on Nov. 16 at 6 p.m.
SRPC staff have been invited to the NH Toy Library Network, "The Developmental Benefits of Outdoor Play" webinar on Tuesday, Nov. 16.
NHPA Annual Meeting on
Dec. 3 at 10:30 a.m.
SRPC communications and outreach planner Shayna Sylvia, and GIS planner Jackson Rand will be presenting on the Promoting Outdoor Play! (POP!) project and its predecessor, Pathways to Play at the NH Planners Association Annual Meeting on Friday, Dec. 3.
SRPC was chosen to present along with other past NHPA award winners. The event will allow participants and opportunity to learn more about these award-winning initiatives from across New Hampshire. SRPC was awarded NHPA Plan of the Year in 2020.
Registration for the meeting is now open, and costs $50 for members, and $65 for non-members.
Drinking Water & Wastewater Cybersecurity Webinar on Monday, Nov. 8 at 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Join the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services on Monday, Nov. 8 at 1 p.m. for a virtual training on cybersecurity.
Cyberattacks are a growing threat to critical infrastructure sectors, including drinking water and wastewater systems. The COVID-19 pandemic has given an unprecedented opportunity to cyber attackers to hack and break down an organizations’ IT infrastructure, increasing unauthorized access to utilities, leading to stolen or exploited customer billing information and other sensitive data including passwords, addresses, critical asset inventory, vulnerability assessment information, and the ability to make unauthorized adjustments to system operations. As we continue to see more and more cyberattacks, water and wastewater systems should be proactive in assessing their operations for gaps in cybersecurity and make adjustments where possible to reduce the risks of an attack.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity Infrastructure & Security Agency (CISA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) and the Department of Safety (NHDOS) Information and Analysis Center will present information on cybersecurity basics, water sector cyber threat briefing, EPA tools and resources, and an update on available funding.
Additionally, attendees can learn how to receive free, individualized technical assistance from federal agencies and contractors.
NH's Coastal Rail Trail Webinar, Wednesday, Nov. 10 at 7 p.m.
Rockingham Planning Commission's senior transportation planner Scott Bogle will be presenting on the Seacoast Greenway - the rail trail from Portsmouth to Seabrook - on Wednesday, Nov. 10 at 7 p.m.
New Hampshire Seacoast Greenway, New Hampshire's segment of the East Coast Greenway, has been a work in progress for almost a decade. Significant sections have been funded and programmed for construction, and the first phase from Hampton to Portsmouth is scheduled to open in late 2023. Much of the work on an ambitious section - crossing the Hampton-Seabrook Estuary on the abandoned B&M Railroad causeway - still lies ahead.
This virtual meeting will allow for an update on the status and challenges in getting a rail trail across the Hampton-Seabrook Estuary.
The event is virtual and free, but registration is required.
The event is being put on by the Seabrook-Hamptons Estuary Alliance.
Kathy Foster Promoted to Financial Manager
Kathy Foster has been Strafford Regional Planning Commission's financial consultant since September 2013. As such, she has provided a vital role in the organizations bookkeeping, payroll processing, budget development, grant and contract financial administration and reporting, and financial auditing processes.
In the wake of selling her successful accounting business, Seacoast Accountability, Kathy has been promoted as financial manager at SRPC.
Kathy will now work weekly, Tuesday through Thursday.
Please join us congratulating Kathy!
NH Small Business Development Center Release Phase 3 Business Resiliency Survey Report
The NH Small Business Development Center (SBDC) recently published a report from its third round of its Business COVID survey. As explained on its website, "Phase 3 is the conclusion of the three-part Business Resiliency Survey, conducted together with the UNH Survey Center from September 15 – October 11, 2021. Phase 3 received 1,057 responses from businesses in 165 cities and towns."
The key findings highlight that businesses:
- have improving financial outlooks.
- continue to be affected by supply chain issues.
- applied for more relief funds in 2020 than in 2021, but that half would consider applying if more were available in the future.
- took advantage of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) aid (90% of survey respondents).
- have similar concerns like maintaining sales or revenue and what would happen with a resurgence of COVID cases.
- have major concerns with recruiting and retaining a workforce.
SRPC Closes Out Data Collection Season
On Monday, Nov. 1, planning technician Stephen Geis collected the last traffic count of the season, which was set in Somersworth. During the 2021 field work season, Stephan and data collection intern Mark Davie set 105 counts requested by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation.
SRPC’s data collection staff also set 5 counts requested by communities, known as supplemental counts, in Durham and Nottingham.
Learn more about SRPC’s traffic count services online.
Ready, Set, #RisingTidesNH2021
This annual competition, which was previously called the King Tide photo contest, invites citizens to grab their cameras and document extreme high tides to raise awareness of New Hampshire’s rising sea levels.
Photographing these drastic tides is an effective way to help coastal communities identify areas prone to flooding, visualize potential impacts of sea-level rise, and plan for the future.
Contest Winners will receive one (1) $100.00 gift card to a local restaurant of their choosing, from within one of New Hampshire’s coastal watershed communities. There are four categories in which winners can receive prizes.
See the chart above for high tides on each of the contest days, and view the map created by NHCAW for location suggestions.
NHMA's 80th Annual Conference and Exhibition
The NH Municipal Association's annual conference is quickly approaching, and will be held Wednesday through Friday, November 17-19 with a theme, “Progress Through Partnerships.”
This year's event will take place at the DoubleTree by Hilton Downtown Manchester and will be hosted as a hybrid event with virtual participation means.
With this hybrid format, the first day will be held live and in-person at the DoubleTree by Hilton Downtown Manchester with video streaming of popular program sessions to members who chose to attend virtually. Thursday will be a full day of virtual streaming of educational sessions and Friday will be a half-day of remote streaming of educational sessions.
Save The Date: SRPC Commission Meeting on 12/2
SRPC's next quarterly Commission meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec. 2, from 3:45 to 5:30 p.m. and will feature an ongoing conversation of SRPC's Resiliency Subcommittee.
SRPC staff are working to secure presenters who would facilitate a conversation about climate change, stormwater and flood risks through the lens of upcoming and current projects, and programs that fund these projects.
US EPA Recreation Economy for Rural Communities Planning Assistance Grant due Monday, Nov. 22
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now accepting applications for its next round of Recreation Economy for Rural Communities planning assistance.
As explained on the EPA website, "The Recreation Economy for Rural Communities planning assistance program helps communities identify strategies to grow their outdoor recreation economy and revitalize their Main Streets."
Eligible applicants include local governments, Indian tribes, and nonprofit institutions and organizations representing any community in the United States, with special consideration given to:
- Small towns and rural communities;
- Economically disadvantaged communities;
- Underserved communities where the majority of residents are people of color or communities with substantial minority populations; and/or
Communities located in the Northern Border region of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York (visit the Northern Border Regional Commission's website for a list of counties in this region).
The deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Nov. 22, 2021.
NH Preservation Alliance & The 1772 Foundation Matching Grants for Historic Preservation Projects, LOI due Wednesday, Dec. 1
The New Hampshire Preservation Alliance and The 1772 Foundation have announced that 1:1 matching grants of up to $10,000 will be made available for historic preservation projects. To be eligible, organizations must have a 501(c)(3) IRS designation.
Eligible projects include exterior painting, finishes and surface restoration; upgrades to/installation of fire detection; lightning protection and security systems; repairs to/restoration of porches, roofs and windows; structural foundation and sill repair/replacement and chimney and masonry repointing.
2021 Dover Craft Fair
Saturday, Nov. 6.
8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
The Dover Parents Music Club will hold its 37th Dover High School Fall Craft Fair on Saturday, Nov. 6. This event brings the creative efforts of Seacoast area artisans and crafters to residents in the region and supports the school's music program.
Organizers are requiring mask to be worn at all times, and are excited to be back to hosting this event in person.
Learn more, and see a list of vendors, online.
The Moose, NH Holiday Stop & Shop
Nov. 26-29, all day
For each stop made at a participating businesses, shoppers will be entered to win a gift card good at EACH location; The Moose, NH's thank you for thinking "local" for the holidays.
Those who own a business in The Moose, NH and want to participate should reach out to for more details on this free holiday season networking event!