A message from our President
As we move forward in 2021, let’s embrace this new decade with strength, optimism, and curiosity. Every year we embark on this journey with a strategic planning retreat which was, like so much is these days, virtual. Nevertheless, it was full of open discussion, fresh ideas that focused on responsibility, accountability, consistency in our job scopes and daily lives. Striving to be the best we can be for our clients and partners, we will continue to expand lean methods as we explore and implement new technologies, embrace change and grow as a company. We are looking forward to hearing about your next venture and goals for the coming year – together we achieve project success.
Best Regards,
Looking Ahead
As we look beyond Covid19, our focus is pivoting from antimicrobial mechanical and surface upgrades to examining the overall concept. Together with our design professionals, we look at building logistics, parking, entrance and exits, accessibility, transition points, touchless entry to rooms and elevators to maximize safe flow of people and traffic while minimizing contact points and the risk of contamination. Looking at a Masterplan is vital to adapting to this new normal and to be well-positioned for the Future. Need advice – we can help.
Building envelope & systems  
Smart Building technology
AI & 3D modeling
Access points & flow
ARVINAS - Bio-Tech
In January, we completed our fourth project for New Haven-based company Arvinas, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that focuses on developing new therapeutics for cancers and difficult-to-treat diseases.

The renovations at Science Park on the 3rd and 4th floor included conference rooms, break rooms, and sitting area as well as state-of-the-art lab fit-outs with intricate ventilation, hood, and research space. Tight schedules and complicated logistics, such as the installation of temporary access to existing workspace and occupied areas above and below the construction zones, combined with strict Covid19 protocols, made for a challenging, although successful, projects.
We celebrate O,R&L Construction Anniversaries
Let us know how you are doing and how we can assist you in 2021.
Connect with us: Alrun Hylwa - ahylwa@orlconstruction.com