Penn State National Science Foundation Center for Health Organization Transformation
(Penn State CHOT) - An Industry-University Cooperative Research Center
Penn State CHOT Research Highlights  
New AI tool aims at reducing breast cancer deaths

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools for breast cancer provide decision-supporting models to health care professionals. A research project on breast cancer, in collaboration with Susan G. Komen, was highlighted on the National Science Foundation's (NSF) website.  Click here to read the story on the NSF website.

More than 40,000 women and 500 men in the United States are estimated to die from breast cancer each year, according to the Cancer Facts & Figures published every year by the American Cancer Society. Although the medical field is full of highly skilled and dedicated health care workers, armed with many treatments and care plans for breast cancer patients, the disease remains the second most common cause of death from cancer in women in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. However, a novel computer model could help reduce those unacceptable numbers and provide better decision-making models that give practitioners the information they need to discuss tailored treatments with patients.

The artificial intelligence (AI) tool is built using 1.6 million anonymous health care entries from more than 260,000 breast cancer patients over a period of 41 years. Through meaningful analysis of those many data points, including patient demographics and medical actions taken, the model aims to provide physicians with decision-making information that personalizes treatment. The researchers pulled anonymous patient data from public breast cancer databases, such as those run by the National Cancer Institute and Centers for Disease Control to amass 1.6 million entries in all from patients diagnosed and treated between 1975 to 2016.

The entries follow every patient from the time of first diagnosis and through each outcome over the years. Those data come from patients that have already undergone treatment, and they will allow the algorithm to learn from how patients progressed following what actions. With iterative trainings, it will become more accurate at formulating the probability that certain actions will lead to specific disease progressions. Eventually, says Yang, the final model can help Komen with its mission of saving lives, through informing its education programs, public policy advocacy, and support of research to prevent and cure breast cancer.

Yang and his team will also turn the algorithm into a software application that physicians can use to help make decisions and further offer precision oncology to their patients. For instance, a doctor would input details about his patient (demographics and disease characteristics) to receive the probabilistic estimate that each action throughout the patient's tailored treatment plan will lead to the desired disease progression and, ultimately, favorable outcome for that patient.
Sensor-based virtual reality for clinical decision support in the assessment of mental disorders

A Penn State CHOT team, consisting of  Bryant Niederriter  and Alice Rong , along with CHOT faculty adviser Faisal Aqlan,  developed a virtual-reality based method to help the assessment of mental disordersRecent reports show that 1 in 4 families has at least one member with a mental disorder. The current diagnosis in psychiatry is based on clinical interviews and questionnaires, which are subjective and can lead to recalls and interviewer biases. Virtual reality (VR) is a new immersive technology that provides  an unprecedented opportunity to measure one's  feedback in the virtual environment. 

VR waiting room of clinical center

In health care, VR shows strong potential to improve decision making and help patients to better connect with reality, cope with pain, and overcome mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. This study integrates sensing technology (i.e., eye tracking) with VR simulation of health care environments to improve clinical judgment and assessment of mental disorders. Traditional scenario-based patient simulations are used as a basis for the development of VR modules. Data collected via sensing technology are utilized to develop analytical models for predicting the risk of mental illness. Moreover, artificial intelligence (AI) tools for VR-based health care training help students learn faster and make smarter decisions. This research helps contribute to improved population health by developing new methods for promoting health and effectively predicting and treating mental disorders. Here is the demo video of the described VR system.

Demo image of the VR system

Presentations are available online for the five papers accepted to IEEE 
in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) 2020 

In the April edition of our CHOT newsletter, we announced that five papers from CHOT scholars were accepted to IEEE EMBC 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee of the conference decided that for this year, EMBC will be a virtual conference. Below are presentations of the accepted papers by the authors submitted to the conference.

1. Dynamic Physician-Patient Matching in the Health Care System

2. Markov Decision Process Modeling for Multi-stage Optimization of Intervention and Treatment Strategies in Breast Cancer

3. Statistical Analysis of County-Level Contributing Factors to Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths in the United States

4. Gradient Mechanism to Preserve Differential Privacy and Deter Against Model Inversion Attacks in Health Care Analytics

5. Hierarchical Gaussian Process Modeling and Estimation of State-action Transition Dynamics in Breast Cancer 

COVID-19 Research Update
Multi-agent simulation modeling of coronavirus spread dynamics in spatial networks

A Penn State CHOT team (Siqi Zhang and Hui Yang) had developed and improved a graphical user interface (GUI) software for simulation of human movement patterns and coronavirus spread dynamics, prediction of real-time positions of infected population in the spatial network. This GUI software includes three modules, i.e., (1) Network simulator that allows the user to select different types of spatial networks, e.g., random networks, small world networks, scale-free networks, or transportation networks; (2) Agent movement simulator that provides the flexibility to define the population size and heterogeneity; (3) Virus spread simulator that models real-time positions of unaffected, infected, recovered, and deceased agents in the region. This GUI simulation tool enables "what-if" analysis that will allow population centers at any scale to dynamically adjust health policies, plan near-term health care capacity, and control virus spread with rapid and timely measures.

Upcoming Events
As event guidance concerning the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, please note that these events may be rescheduled or moved to a virtual venue. Please check in with the specific event planners for the latest information.

July 20-24, 2020

The 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2020) will go virtual. This is the message from active EMBS President Shankar Subramaniam: "EMBS, which is a society at the interface of engineering and medicine, can play a significant role in addressing several challenges associated with treating the epidemic, and the role of engineering in dealing with this crisis cannot be overemphasized.In the coming weeks, the organizing committee will be reaching out to all conference stakeholders (authors, speakers, exhibitors, etc.) with the expectations related to this new conference framework.  Click here  for more information.

August 20-24, 2020

The in-person gathering of CASE 2020, scheduled to be held August 20-24, 2020 in Hong Kong has been cancelled. CASE 2020 will now be held as a virtual conference, to be held August 20-24, 2020The IEEE CASE is the flagship automation conference of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and constitutes the primary forum for cross-industry and multidisciplinary research in automation. Its goal is to provide a broad coverage and dissemination of fundamental research in automation among researchers, academics, and practitioners. The theme of the conference is  Automation Analytics. Click here for more information. 

IISE Annual Conference 2020
October 31-November 3
New Orleans, Louisiana

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IISE Annual Conference & Expo has been rescheduled from May 30-June 2 to October 31-November 3 in New Orleans, Louisiana at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) will host the IISE Annual Conference & Expo in New Orleans, Louisiana at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. Leaders in the field will join up-and-comers and students to network, gather new ideas, and learn about innovative tools and techniques - resulting in lasting career connections. Please check the revised schedule and new registration dates. Click here for more information.
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