Health & Safety Newsletter
February 25, 2021
FAQ & Information
Welcome back to school after a snowy and beautiful break. We are all thrilled to get back into a school rhythm.
If my student is absent from school what do we need to do before they return?
The Health and Safety Committee has developed a short, post absence, survey to ensure we have a standard documentation of absences. Whether your student is absent for a personal reason or because of something related to symptoms or exposure to COVID-19 we are asking that this survey be filled out before returning to school. If you have an absent student, please look out for an email with the survey. We will begin using this survey Monday, March 1st. Preview the survey below. 
What are the symptoms we should look out for again?
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Fever (100.4 or higher)
  • New Loss of Taste and/or Smell
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea (2 or more loose stools in 24 hours)
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Congestion or runny nose
If you or someone in your household has any of these symptoms, please stay home. If you have specific questions about symptoms, please reach out to your healthcare provider.

See the WA DOH Screening Flowchart for more information.
Check out our Health and Safety COVID PSA Video!
What does sharing outdoor spaces look like at WHWS?
When more than one class is outdoors in a section of the playground (woodchips, hardcourt, forest, upper playground or garden area): 
  • Classes will refrain from intermingling (i.e. playing games together).
  • We recognize that there may be cases when it is pedagogically important for more than one class to engage in an activity together. In such cases, these activities will first be considered by Health and Safety, and communicated to parents of the classes involved. 
  • All safety mandates must still be followed.

What is the guest policy at WHWS?
The WHWS campus is currently closed to visitors unless previously approved. If there is a guest who would like to visit the WHWS campus, they must be approved by the Pedagogical and Health and Safety Committees first. Then, the parents of that class will receive an email in advance. The guest must review our health and safety protocols, fill out our Guest Attestation Form and go through screening upon arrival.

Guests are expected to follow all of the health and safety protocols and have the responsibility to communicate with the health and safety committee if they experience symptoms associated with COVID-19 and/or test positive for COVID-19 within a 48-hour time frame of leaving the school. 

Mask Washing Reminder
Please remember to wash masks after each school day or rotate them out. If this is not an option, we have extra masks available in all of the classrooms and upon arrival at the screening station.

Where can I find masks that are comfortable and fit properly for my child?
Check out, Best Cloth Face Masks For Kids from the New York Times to learn more about their picks. 

Why do masks work?
To learn more about mask filtration of different materials and why they work,
What is the background on double masking?
Double Masking was first recommended by Dr. Fauci. It is not a WA DOH requirement however, double masking does increase the efficiency of a properly fitted mask. If you choose to double mask, make sure you are not wearing too many mask layers. This could be an issue if breath cannot filter through the multi layered masks. WHWS is keeping with our current mask policy. Review our policy here.
Read the full article from the CDC here.

The CDC also recently released general operational guidance for schools to help schools safely open during the pandemic. To read the document click here.
We are now in Phase 2, what does that mean?
"When a region moves to Phase 2, restaurants may open indoor dining at 25% capacity, as may indoor fitness centers. In Phase 2, sports competitions may resume with limited spectators; and wedding and funeral ceremonies can increase their capacities from current limits." Learn more about the phases and how we move through them.
How can I get more information about the COVID-19 vaccine?
You can sign up through the WA DOH Phase Finder Tool to receive updates on your eligibility for the vaccine. Please also utilize this link to find locations where the vaccine is being distributed.

If you are curious about how Whatcom County is doing with dose progress or have a logistical question about the vaccine, see their website.
Has the UK variant has been found in Whatcom County?
“Whatcom County Health Department was notified yesterday afternoon (2/22) by the Washington State Department of Health that the first confirmed case of the COVID-19 virus variant B.1.1.7, commonly known as the U.K. variant, had been detected in a Whatcom County resident.”
Read the full release from the Whatcom County Health Department here.
Does the Health and Safety Committee have any recommendations for immediate mental health resources?
Nourishing and being open to guidance with our mental health is essential, the Mobile Crisis Outreach Team could be a place to start. Please see their website to learn more about the services they offer in our community.
“A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living.”
-Rudolf Steiner