Cross Country Newsletter
November 1st, 2021

The final regular meet of the season was so much fun and the course was great! We are so proud of all the Storm athletes! You should have received an invitation to our end of the season awards banquet this morning. Please respond asap. We will need to order the food by the end of this week! All of the details should have been in the invitation! We can't wait to celebrate our 2021 Season. We are so grateful to have had our program back in full this year! We will be opening up for our 2022 Track Season in a few weeks! Look for the email in late November. ! Track will fill up quickly so sign up asap!

We will continue to have practice for the post season athletes. If you would like your child to continue make sure you sign up on the Valley United Website today. If you are not sure, please call Coach Elaine . 661-373-6897 to see if your child qualifies to continue with practice.

If you are considering running on the Post Season team, you must register and get your AAU card today!!. Please see details on website.

STORM FACEBOOK "Just a reminder for everyone to LIKE our Facebook Storm Cross Country page at - SO MANY PICTURES for you all to see and enjoy!"

Lost and Found - I have a lot of water bottles and sweats I will have them at practice and at the Banquet

Post Season Practice Schedule
Post Season athletes only
Monday - 6:00 -7:15 pm  – Central Park
Tuesday - 6:00 -7:15 - Central Park
Thursday – , - 6:00 pm- 7:15   – Central Park -
Saturday - Floyd Lamb Park Las Vegas 8:00 am - 1:30 pm Post Season athletes only

Wednesday Nov. 10th - 6:00 pm Team Banquet The Centre at the Santa Clarita Sport Complex All Storm Families
Post Season Info

Please go on the Valley United Striders web site to get your AAU card and register for the team. this must be done today!!