Hello CSLGLV Members and Friends!

As we continue to stretch and grow during this time, we have presented classes online, created two virtual services weekly, brought in ways to stay connected through social media and fellowship, have welcomed new members and now two more Practitioners.

Recently, Mearlon Hart completed the written exam and oral panel for licensing and Karyn Dunphy (licensed since 2014) made her transfer complete by becoming a member of our Center. As a fellow Practitioner, I extend the warmest of welcomes to both of them as they join us in service to our community and the world.

For the first time ever, CSL Teen Camp was held virtually. It was three days of connection, spiritual practice and fun for teens from all over the country. I am so excited to announce that Kayleigh Marshall was selected to serve on International Centers for Spiritual Living Teen Leadership Panel. This is an opportunity to create camp experiences for youth around the world through workshop development and classes.

In Gratitude,
Kelli Marshall, RScP
Karyn Dunphy, RScP
Mearlon Hart, RScP
Kayleigh Marshall
Meditation with Valerie Wiener, RScP at 9:45 am
Service at 10:00 with Rev. Bobbi with music by Melissa Kay Allen
Meeting ID: 813 9105 2968
Password: CSLGLVTalk
Leadership Council Perspective
I greet you all in love and peace. Our year continues to deliver us surprises, awakenings, realities and promises. We are still in the position of allowing Spirit to pour its magnificent blessings upon us. To be that within us which is the first to make a change for the betterment of ourselves, our communities and the world. As we “lean not unto thine own understanding, we acknowledge Spirit and allow It to direct our paths.”

We are on a journey at CSLGLV to continue teaching, learning, and growing. Our Leadership Council is working tirelessly to build a stable foundation that will last indefinitely. That takes change. A change that reflects the greatest expression of everyone involved. I welcome this with joy and acceptance. You are a part of that, so we call on you to come together with us in creative consciousness. How does service support your spiritual journey? Please feel free to check in with us to volunteer by calling the office at 702-739-8200 or emailing us at council@cslglv.org . Together we rise!

If you'd like pastoral support or counseling,
please call the Center office at 702-739-8200 or
email the Ministry of Prayer at  mop@cslglv.org !
Meet up with old friends and make some new ones as Adventures in Faith returns on Zoom! This discussion group, led by Lynn Frankenburger, is a confidential exploration of growth and spiritual principle! 
Meeting ID: 846 9673 5907

Dial by your location
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Member Spotlight:
Renee' Martinez

How did you find CSLGLV?

My brother brought me here on a whim! He was visiting from California and said ‘Why don’t you join me for church?’ and I said okay! He goes to the Center in Oakland.
Miss a service? Want to watch again? Visit our YouTube page!
If you're not following us on Facebook, you are missing out!
702-739-8200        www.cslglv.org