February 2021
CETCO Introduces the SlurrybondTM 2000 G–Solidifier

CETCO announces SLURRYBOND™ 2000-G, a highly effective solidification product designed to help simplify and reduce the cost of disposal of remaining polymer or mineral drilling slurry during and at the end of your project. SLURRYBOND 2000-G is made from a non-biodegradable material. When combined with your drilling fluid, it will pass a Paint Filter Liquids Test eliminating the need to use hazard disposal sites for liquid waste. 
ChemGrout Offers High Pressure & Capacity Colloidal Mixer Series
With more than 57 years of experience, ChemGrout manufactures the world’s largest selection of grouting equipment. Based in LaGrange Park, Illinois, CG offers both colloidal and paddle type grout mixers, and a variety of grout pumps, including piston, plunger and progressing cavity. Outputs range up to 52 GPM and pressures to 2000 PSI. Complete integrated mixing and pumping units are available in a variety of power options, including air, electric, electric/ hydraulic, gasoline and diesel/hydraulic. Offering many unique and innovative features, ChemGrout has remained an industry leader in foundation grouting equipment since 1963.
JD Fields' New Solution for Combi-wall Applications
JD Fields presents the HMZZ, a groundbreaking solution in steel king pile combi-wall applications. The patented “Direct Connect” flange technology innovation eliminates the weld-on clutch connectors required by all other combi-wall systems. The unique combination of the hot rolled Larssen interlock flange and manufacturing process allows designers to customize project specific beams for weight efficiency and maximum section properties in high modulus port/marine and heavy civil geostructures. The HMZZ system and other pile solutions are available for review and comparison through the online JD Fields Wallbuilder Calculator tool.    
Take a Look at QSP's Variety of Inflatable
& Mechanical Packers
For over fifteen years, QSP Packers has been manufacturing and supplying inflatable and mechanical packers that are sold in North America, and worldwide. They're used for pressure grouting, single & straddle set-up, wireline permeability testing, environmental wells, and water wells. They're made for holes from 1.5” I.D. to 18” I.D. Check out our website to read more about our inflatable packers.
About Spotlight
The Spotlight newsletters are organized by DFI’s Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers (MSSP) Committee in an effort to inform the industry of the latest products and services provided by DFI Corporate Member companies. We encourage you to learn more about these companies and the solutions they provide which you may find useful on your next project. To view a complete listing of DFI’s Corporate Members or to search for a specific solution, click here. This newsletter is just one of the activities of the MSSP committee. To find out about their activities or to join the committee visit their web page. We encourage your participation.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
This e-blast consists of submissions directly from DFI corporate member companies. The publication of this communication by Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) is not intended to warrant that the information contained herein is suitable for any general or specific use. • Neither DFI nor any of its members, directors, employees or other representatives shall be liable for damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the use of information, processes, or products contained herein even if advised of the possibility thereof. This limitation of liability applies to claims based on breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort (including negligence), product liability or otherwise. • The contents of this e-blast reflect the views of the submitters who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of DFI.
Deep Foundations Institute | +1 (973) 423-4030 | staff@dfi.org | www.dfi.org