Library News and Events
The Library is now open Sundays 1:00-5:00 PM.

Congress can’t leave libraries behind in the economic recovery. Too much is at stake to let that happen.
Join us in urging Congress to support the Library Stabilization Fund Act and keep

The library is excited to announce that we are open to the public.
Patrons may now request materials system-wide via BCCLS. Please note all requests MUST be picked up at your home library per BCCLS. Curbside remains available. New library hours and rules have been implemented for COVID-19. We are currently only serving West Orange cardholders and West Orange residents. The first hour of each day is designated for seniors (65 and up per CDC guidelines) and the medically vulnerable.

Covid-19 Hours:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
10:00-7:00 PM
Walk-in and curbside
(10-11 AM Seniors and medically vulnerable only)

Tuesdays, Fridays
10:00-5:30 PM
Walk-in and curbside
(10-11 AM Seniors and medically vulnerable only)

9:00-1:00 PM
Walk-in and curbside
(9-10 AM Seniors and medically vulnerable only)
1:00-5:00 PM
Curbside only

1:00-5:00 PM
Walk-in and curbside
(1-2 PM Seniors and medically vulnerable only)

Please contact us with any questions or concerns at (973)736-0198.

Email for Zoom links and any additional information on events or sign-up through the library calendar when available.

Thursday, October 1
3:00 PM
Please join us for a lively Zoom discussion about the great Colombia author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, author of One Hundred Years of Solitude and the winner of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1982. Learn about his writing style, from journalism to novels and short stories to film scripts, the important place his memory occupies in Colombia, and discuss a couple of his short stories (distributed to participants in advance).

Mondays, October 5, 12, 19, 26
6:00 PM
Library volunteer Maryann, a certified instructor of English as a Second Language, will offer an online Zoom course in basic English for non-native speakers who want to develop their spoken and written English skills.

Mondays, October 5, 12, 19,
7:00 PM
Jane Gaertner, formerly with the Foreign Policy Association, will be moderating this six (6) week discussion on important geopolitical issues facing the US today. Some of the topics of discussion will be Climate Change and the Global Order, China’s Road into Latin America, Modern Slavery, and Human Trafficking among others. Please call the West Orange Public Library at 973-736-0198 or email us at to register.

Wednesdays, October 7, 14, 21, 28
7:00 PM
This class is designed as an introductory course for absolute beginners. It will establish a strong foundation to promote future success in learning Spanish.

Wednesday, October 14
2:00 PM
The West Orange Public Library in cooperation with Seton Hall University School of Law presents this free lecture on financial investing. This lecture will demystify certain challenges investors such as financial terms, breaking down personal net worth, and describing how to properly plan for financial success. It will also show you how to avoid investment pitfalls such as how to ask the right questions to investment professionals, how to notice flags that may signal negligence or fraud, as well as give you resources to further your own financial education. Finally, this lecture will put credit cards into perspective by showing how to assess interest rates, compare returns on investment, and how to effectively implement debt reduction strategies

Monday, October 19
3:00 PM
Padre Miguel Hernandez discusses Octavio Paz's poetry and works. A prolific author and poet, Paz published scores of works during his lifetime, many of which have been translated to other languages. His early poetry was influenced by Marxism, surrealism, existentialism, and religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. His poem "Piedra de sol" ("Sunstone"), written in 1957, was praised as a "magnificent" example of surrealist poetry in the presentation speech for the Nobel Prize.

Wednesday, October 21
12:00 PM
Eva Silver, licensed Clinical Social Worker with the Academy of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis (ACAP) will be leading this informative and uplifting ZOOM program about the positive benefits of laughter. This program will cover how laughter affects the brain and your overall mood, as well as giving you helpful tips on how to incorporate laughter into your overall health routine.

Saturday, October 24
3:00-5:00 PM
Mithila Art presents her work and discusses her process when painting.

Domingo 25 de Octubre (Facebook)
6:00 pm to 9:00pm
Ana en el trópico del autor cubano-americano Nilo Cruz ganó el Premio Pulitzer de 2003 en la categoría de Obras Dramáticas. La acción tiene lugar en una vieja fábrica de tabacos cubano-americana en Tampa, Florida en 1929. Los empleados de la fábrica gozan de una larga tradición en la cual un lector les lee en voz alta obras clásicas de literatura mientras hacen los puros a mano. La llegada de un nuevo lector que les lee la novela Ana Karénina del autor ruso León Tolstói provoca diversas reacciones entre los oyentes que conducen a un final dramático. Esta obra nos invita a volver a un momento pasado antes de la llegada de las máquinas a las fábricas de tabacos y cuando la lectura en voz alta inspiraba a la gente a soñar en otros mundos. 

Tuesday, October 27
7:00 PM
Linda Kass will be talking about her book “A Ritchie Boy,” an extraordinary narrative inspired by true events. The novel portrays how a whole generation of the Jews who escaped Hitler managed to reinvent themselves in America. “A compelling story of empathy, resilience, and the power of the American Dream.”

Thursday, October 29
12:00 PM
Were you surprised by the unexpected co-pays at the doctor this year? Are you confused about your Medicare options for 2021? Are you on the plan that is best for you? To get the answers to these questions and more, join us for a presentation on Medicare. Learn to understand the different parts of Medicare, and how to get the best value for your money. This session is helpful for those already enrolled in Medicare as well as those who are new to Medicare.

Email with questions, to register, and for Zoom login information or sign up through the library calendar when available.

Thursday, October 1
11:00 AM

Tuesdays, October 13, 20, and 27
2:00 PM (Ages 2-7)
Local author Miss Jolie will incorporate singing and reading from her books. Take an afternoon stretch and get ready to move.

Tuesday, October 20
4:00-4:45 PM (Grades 1-3)
Join our online book club. Each participant will receive a packet containing:
A ‘gently’ used book to keep, a craft activity (most supplies included), a list of questions to consider while reading the book, and the link to the Zoom meeting. Email to register and reserve a packet.

Tuesday, October 27
4:30 PM
Join us for an online book discussion open to grades 4-6. Pick up your books and a book-club packet at the library.

Wednesday, October 28
4:00 PM (Grades 4-6)
This month we will collaborate and build one big structure together - virtually! A list of supplies needed will be emailed to all who register. Let's create together!

Mondays - starting October 12
4:30 PM (grades k-6)
Join us on the lawn outside the library for socially distanced science experiments and learning! Individual sets of experiment materials will be provided.

November Preview

Hay Day! (Outdoors)
Sunday, November 1, 11:00-2:00 PM
Celebrate the season with music and festivities.

Teen Events

Email for ZOOM login links and any additional information on events or sign up through the library calendar when available..

Wednesday, October 7
7:00 PM
Earn community service hours from home by logging in to our virtual Teen Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting - new members welcome! We'll talk about ideas to help think of cool programs to help the library and community. Let your voice be heard and help your local library!

Wednesday, October 14
7:00-8:00 PM
Join your friends and create together in real time!

Sign up for a virtual college essay review appointment through Zoom. Be ready to share a Google Doc draft of your college application essay for professional review by Sue Kamens. Registration is required email or call 973-736-0198 ex. 216.

Thursday, October 22
7:00 PM
Log on to Zoom and join our teen chat! What are you reading? How is virtual school? How are you spending your free time? Share your thoughts, ideas, and hopes with the group.

Weekly Teen Programs


3:15-5:15 PM
Dungeons and Dragons group for 7th through 12th graders meets online using the Discord website.
Beginners welcome! Please email for more information.
Epic quests await teens who join our D&D club at the library! D&D features roleplaying, storytelling, on-the-spot strategic thinking, math skills, problem solving, and teamwork all rolled into one!
***If you need to apply for a card, have lost your card, or work in West Orange, click here to apply online. This form will give you immediate access to eBCCLS. For additional online resources email***

Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the Library. It's a great way to make a positive impact in your community. Contributions are used for Library programs and services. To make a donation click here or visit
West Orange Public Library | 46 Mt. Pleasant Avenue West Orange, NJ 07052 | (973) 736-0198