September 17, 2020
Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions Offers Real Help in Real Time
The Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions will look different in the coming year, reflecting the changing world in which we live as we face the challenges of a global pandemic.

This annual state missions offering is a joint venture of Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia (WMUV) and the BGAV. Watch this video to hear Valerie Carter, WMUV Executive Director/Treasurer, and John Upton, BGAV Executive Director, explain more about it.

As always, this critical offering seeks to meet real needs of real people by funding ministries in a variety of specific areas. For the rest of 2020 and looking toward 2021, the allocations of this offering are being redirected in a way that will allow us to focus on human needs arising from the COVID-19 crisis.

Because of the time-sensitive nature of many of these critical needs and the plan to distribute funds monthly, we ask that you consider sending your offerings as early as possible this year.

To learn more and/or to donate online, visit
BGAV Welcomes Gary Long as New Chief Marketing Officer
Please join us in welcoming Gary Long, who will begin his role as the new Chief Marketing Officer for BGAV and Ascent on October 14, 2020. Gary previously served BGAV congregations in both the Southside region (Liberty Baptist Church, Skipwith, VA) and Northern Virginia (Westwood Baptist Church, Springfield, VA).

In addition, Gary is a graduate of Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, making it like a homecoming for him after serving congregations in Texas, Maryland, and North Carolina.

Gary’s marketing experience includes a web design and digital marketing company, with an emphasis on social media marketing with lean budgets. Gary said, “Serving as the CMO for BGAV/Ascent gives me the chance to tie together a wide range of church, entrepreneurial, and corporate experiences for Kingdom good.”

We Want to Feature Your Church at This Year's Annual Meeting!
With this year's annual meeting on November 9-10 being held online, we have even more opportunities this year to feature you--our churches! We want to highlight the great Kingdom work that you have been doing this year, especially during these challenging months of the pandemic we're still facing - especially related to creative worship, meaningful services, or any new ministries that may have arisen during this time.

We hope to get a lot of videos, so we can share some on our meeting website and some during our gathering session broadcast on November 9. If you have a video featuring your church's work, email us the link! If you have the video file but it's not online anywhere, email Jennifer Law to arrange a way to send it. Please submit your content by October 1.

Upcoming Events of Interest

September 13-20, 2020

offered by V3 Church Planting Movement
Use code BGAV15OFF for $15 off!

September 21, 2020

September 23, 2020

Children/Youth/Family Certificates:
Church Finance Course of Study:

October 15, 2020

October 23-25, 2020

November 9-10, 2020
Baptist General Association of Virginia
800.255.2428 | |