Week of
November 1st, 2021
If I had my life to live over again, I'd be a plumber."
-- Albert Einstein
There's no new CLI video this week, but you can check out
all of CLI's videos by visiting CLI's YouTube channel:

In case you're wondering what day it is--
according to nationaldaycalendar.com it might be:
What are you interested in?
A little halloween prep at 16 West . . .
John's usual--

I encourage everyone to stop by McGuan Park and check out the new adaptive playground equipment & solid/soft service. Even the young kids' BMX pump track was built to be wheelchair accessible. This was a real community project, with many individuals, companies, and groups coming together not only to raise the money, but also to collaborate on the design. The official ribbon cutting ceremony was Sunday, October 31st (yesterday)-- and the turnout for this was really, really good. CLI is fortunate to be part of such an inclusive community.

So, now with Halloween so far behind us, it's time to talk turkey and snow. I know that last week was a big transportation shift for most of CLI's clients as we try to gain a bit of efficiency by coordinating routes. It is sneakily hard to coordinate person-centered services around how Ohio's transportation (NMT) is currently funded. I think eventually providers will be paid to provide services which assumes transportation-- but for now we're still stuck with a fee schedule that pays a single round trip to and from that single facility that we're not allowed to hang out in anymore. Baby steps. I'm just grateful that the system has shifted to fund community-integrated services better than pre-pandemic.

Back to transportation-- we're still working on our one-call system and how we delay and/or close due to winter weather (it's going to happen). We should be ready to start pushing that out in a week or two. Just a reminder, that given how customized our services are-- bad weather might not mean the same thing for everyone, so it will be very important to pay attention to YOUR 1 call message. More to come.

Finally-- the CLI Board is reviewing CLI's strategic plan this fall. CLI does this every year. A survey of clients, staff, and other community members is part of this process. A link to this survey will be in next week's newsletter. We're bribing people with scratch off lottery tickets again-- so make sure to get that done before the deadline on November 15 for your chance to win thousands of dollars!

Have a good week. Keep yourself and others safe!

Last Market in the Park behind 38 West Seminary is this Tuesday. Stop by to say hi at CLI's booth. We'll make it worth your while!
Just a couple pictures from the ribbon cutting at McGuan Park yesterday
Would you like to join CLI for some fun virtual activities?

It's a bunch of loud fun!
Firelands Local LLC

James Johnson

November Menu
11/05: Potato Soup & Muffin

11/12: Baked Ziti, Italian Bread, & green beans

11/19: Chili & Cornbread

11/26: Cafe Closed (Happy Thanksgiving)
Good Works Cafe Donation Request

Cream of Celery 
Muffin Mix (any variety)
Saltine Crackers
Jif Corn Muffin Mix
Kidney Beans
Canned Tomatoes
Penne Pasta
Chili Seasoning
Donations can be brought to the Clubhouse from 9:30a - 12p or call (419)921-6057 to arrange a donation pick-up.

This helps us keep costs down and be able to provide meals each Friday at a low cost.

Thanks everyone! Here's to a good week!
Kerrie Close
Community Settings Coordinator
Music (ish) videos of the week-- got one you'd like to share? Send it in!