"To Confront or Not To Confront?"
April 2019 Communique'

I hope you've had an awesome April!

It has been a super-busy month of speaker travel for me, and I am grateful to those who booked me to speak. Please follow me on Instagram to see pix of recent presentations and more!

In this edition of the Communique', I'm featuring my most recent blog "These 3 Questions Can Make You Better at Confrontation. "

As I mention in my presentations, we must check ourselves and make sure we're not confronting a situation because of our ego. In other words, we may be thinking: "they're not doing it my way" or "if they'd just do it the way I told them to." Instead, we can ask ourselves three key questions to determine whether it's a confrontation-worthy situation, or whether we should just let it go.

Also, a request for your opinion please...

In 10 words or less, please respond to this question: What annoys you most about the way people communicate online? PLEASE HIT REPLY TO SEND YOUR RESPONSE. I'll be compiling and featuring the responses (anonymously) in a future Communique'.

Meanwhile, I look forward to an opportunity to keynote one of your upcoming events and help your group stay positive, confront tough communication challenges and work together better!
Online Communication

Are you looking for a speaker to help your staff stay positive, confront tough communication challenges
and work together better?

PO Box 601786, San Diego, California 92160 USA
760 439-8086