November 2021
Waterville UMC Ambassador
Dear Church Family,
In Psalm 118:1 we read these words, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” One of the attitudes God desires for us is the attitude of thankfulness. Are we thankful for God’s love? The simple quick answer for most of us is yes. How do we live out this thankfulness and what does God promise to give us when we are faithful?
In Exodus 15:2 God says to us, “ The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him—my father’s God, and I will exalt him!” When we discover the strength of God in our lives we cannot help but to give thanks. Jesus taught the disciples that they would never be alone as the Holy Spirit would always be with them and that same spirit is with us. It is through the promised Holy Spirit that we find the strength to live each day for God. Many of us may need to ask God to reveal to us the power of the Holy Spirit as we show our love for God in the way that we live.
To discover the work of the Holy Spirit we need to study what the scripture has to say. Jesus talked about the work of the Holy Spirit in John chapters 14 and 15.
In Nehemiah 8 there is a powerful scene when the scripture was read and then taught by the people. The experience was so profound that people were weeping as the learned the truth about God. In verse 10, “Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”” We learn here that when we discover God’s truth our response is not one of grieving for our unfaithfulness but to celebrate that the day we experience God’s truth is a day of celebration. A day of thanksgiving.
One area of faithfulness is how we deal with all of God’s blessings in our lives. God has blessed our congregation is so many ways and one of these ways is how God has blessed so many financially. At this time your financial blessings are needed. We are presently behind our expenses by $11,000. Ask God if you are to use a portion of your blessings not only to meet this need but also the needs for the rest of the year and into 2022.
One of the biblical standards for dealing with finances is the tithe. The tithe is 10% of our income. Is God asking you to live into this truth? If just a few of us would move toward or begin tithing all of our financial needs would be abundantly met. By tithing we are giving thanks to God.
A final promise from God. At the end of the book of Matthew Jesus tells us to make new disciples, teaching them to obey Jesus’ commands. Just as the people of Nehemiah heard the Word read and taught Jesus tells us to share and teach the word. Jesus’ final promise is this, “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Jesus is always with us, let us give thanks.
May you know God’s blessings,
Pastor Mike
Our Vision – Share, Celebrate, and Teach God’s Love
Our Mission – Serve. Connect. Love. Give.
10:30 AM
Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
In Sanctuary
In Courtyard - Please bring your own chair.
Park in car near the church and tune to FM 90.5.
Live Stream via You Tube at www.watervilleumc.org.
Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at www.watervilleumc.org.
Praises to the Lord!
🤱The Balcony Cry Room has moved to the Basement Fireside Room 🍼
🍼 Please enjoy its new location 👶
Pastor Mike at the head of the table saying a blessing for the MOC luncheon provided on October 21st, the sharing of food, and for the safety & talents of all the workers on site.
The workers continue to enjoy the Ministry of Construction. We are now serving lunch twice a month. The 2nd luncheon went very well. The workers are amazed at the care we are showing them. Several have commented that they have never experienced this kind of support.
Ministry of Construction Report
It is with great excitement that the Ministry of Construction is in Phase 2 at our New Beginnings Building site. This includes lunches being served to the workers every other week and weekly sweeping of the building. If you would like to help provide a lunch, please contact Barb Crandall. If you are available to help sweep on Friday evening or Saturday, please sign up at church or contact Paul and Cherl Matla, 419 341-9431 and leave a message. Brooms, dust pan, and trash barrels are provided. Please wear work gloves and a mask, it can be quite dusty inside as the building has been enclosed with boarded up windows and soon to be real windows and doors. The sweeping up of the building once a week is saving the church almost $15,000! Weekly hospitality treats, prayers, and welcome bags for the workers continue, thanks for all you are doing in those areas.
This baby we are expecting in the spring of 2022 is developing quite nicely, thanks for being part of the staff to help deliver this brand new church!!
Paul and Cherl Matla, MOC Directors
New Beginnings Ministry of Construction Teams! We have opportunities to serve and make a difference in the lives of those building our New Beginnings Building. See the worship bulletin and the bulletin board for details! Sign up sheets are on the bulletin boards.
The Sale of 102 North Fifth Street
We continue to have interested groups tour our
present building. To entice some more interest
we have reduced the price from $455,000 down to $445,000.
Please continue to spread the word about our
building being up for sale.
Your Team in charge for the sale includes:
Christina Wielgopolski
Steve Crandell
Penn Pritchett
Jim Page
Spread the Word!!
Please pray for the Lord's guidance as we move through this process.
From Your Treasurer's Desk
At the end of September our Profit & Loss report showed a LOSS of $10,005. Our General Giving has been below budget since late spring. Our spending has been below budget (mainly due to Covid), Please help us by bringing your giving up to date.
Our 2022 General Fund Stewardship Campaign continues along with our journey towards “A New Beginning” trusting in God to show us the way. As we have pointed out, Stewardship is more than just your financial commitment. It includes your commitment of prayer, service, presence and witness.
The Church Council (Leadership Team) is responsible for all operations & functions of the various ministry teams. Its membership consists of Chair, Education, Missions, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Treasurer, Celebration, Outreach, Finance and at large members. There are many positions available for you to assist and participate in these ministry teams. Listed below are several non-financial opportunities and areas of interest for your prayerful consideration. Even though the future is still not clear due to continuing COVID issues, we need to cover these areas and be ready when it is safe to do so and as needed. Please contact Pastor Mike or the Church Office if you would like more information.
Education and Children’s Ministry
Youth – requires a Background Check
Teach Children Sunday School Class
Adult Teacher’s Assistant
Assist with Vacation Bible School
Assist with craft projects & preparations
I have a special skill or interest I’d like to share with children/youth: ____________________
Volunteer for youth program
Chaperone mission events
Youth Mission Trip volunteer
Work with youth on ongoing basis
Prepare meal for youth group
Provide snacks / drinks for youth group
Will share my testimony with youth group
Nursery Ministry-requires a Background Check
Early service nursery helper (Sunday school
Later service nursery helper (Worship)
Worship Service Assistant
Altar arrangement assistant
Lead Children’s Moment
Prepare altar for Sundays
Restock pew supplies
Communion preparation/cleanup
Communion servers
Special and seasonal decorations
Operate Sound and PowerPoint
Music/Arts Ministries
Sing in Sanctuary choir
Handbell choir
Assist in children’s music
Serve as accompanist
Participate in Theatre productions
Play special musical instruments: _______
Hospitality / Fellowship Ministries
Browning Bus Driver (Sunday)
Follow up with visitors
Adopt a new member
Host Fellowship Time
Congregational Care
Visit homebound members
Visit hospital patients with Pastor
Card Ministry: Write/send cards
Provide meals for families in need
Prepare food for funerals meals at church
Work with senior adults
Drive for those needing transportation
Do light home maintenance
Learning and Spiritual Growth
Attend Sunday School
Attend Wed. Bible study
Attend Sun. Night Bible Study
Attend a small group
Invite a friend to church
Learn to share my faith
Lead a small group study
Lead where needed, with training
Seagate Food Pantry Team
Volunteers in Missions
Local missions_______________________
Welcome a Neighbor Bags
Disaster relief/ISOH-Impact
Habitat for Humanity Project
Bake Cookies for Kairos
Assist with Web site / Ambassador
Newspaper communications
Write letters, articles, etc.
Manage church’s Facebook page
Volunteer for office help
Church Building and Grounds Care
Adopt a flower bed
Rake leaves
Prune shrubs
Participate in seasonal clean up
Member of Offering Counting Team
Wherever the church needs me
Member of Church Council
Independent Bible Study and Activities
There are also apps through Bible Gateway and You Version to help guide you through this experience. Choose the one that works for you!
The November HomeTouch is another source of reading the Bible. Start today! There are also fun word games that we share in the weekly blast.
Click on HomeTouch picture to open. OR...check the bulletin board, we post copies each month...OR if you know someone who may enjoy receiving the monthly HomeTouch in the mail, we do have a mailing list we can add them to.
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.
November's Theme - Health
November 7 – Worldwide Health
November 14 – Biblical Health Principles
November 21 – Biblical Dietary Laws
November 28 –Biblical Clean and Unclean Meats
Be sure to order your 6 1/2 inch Poinsettia for $7 before November 15th!
Envelopes will be available this week! You can also contact Melva or the office.
Order yours before they sell out!
Thank you to everyone who donated candy for the youth group to hand out at Sunshine’s Spooky Boardwalk community event on October 17th. We had 14 youth participating, LOTS of candy to pass out, a beautiful fall day, and lots of fun!
Youth Fall Fundraiser
Sign Up Sheet on Bulletin Board!
In July 2022, the youth will be attending a week long mission trip in Maumee, OH with Group Work Camps. In order to help with the cost of the trip, the youth will be raking leaves in order to raise funds.
Donations to the Youth Mission Trip Fund are welcome.
If you are interested in having the youth rake your leaves or know of a neighbor who could use their help, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton Shelton (419-205-2516) or sign-up below.
Thank you!
"Teacher's Toolbox is a new outreach ministry that has developed in our partnership with Waterville Primary School. Three times during the school year, notecards with a list of school supplies will be dropped off to the teachers at Waterville Primary. The teachers will be able to itemize the list in regards to what supplies they may need for their classroom or individual student needs. The list of supplies needed will be returned to our Project with a Purpose team here at the church and the supply orders will be fulfilled for the teachers. This will be an ongoing ministry so any school supply donations are welcome throughout the year. Please contact Bobbie Westfall or Stephanie Shelton if you have questions about this new ministry. Thank you for your support!"
At the end of first quarter, we had 15 teachers turn in their Teacher Toolbox request form for supplies. Our Waterville Primary Ministry is working on fulfilling the requests with the donated supplies! We also received some prayer requests from the teachers which the team will be praying for. Thank you for the support of this new ministry.
Missions Committee Focus for November 2021
November brings us to the final stages for one of our annual mission outreach programs: Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child.
Shoeboxes and pamphlets/adhesive labels are available in several locations at church-or you can always use your own shoeboxes.
National Collection Week is Nov 15-22, 2021
WUMC Shoebox dedication will be Nov.21
Please place your OCC items in the basket under the Mission Bulletin Board.
Volunteers are needed to assist with the National Collection Week site at WUMC the week of Nov. 15-22. Please prayerfully consider and sign up for a time slot on the bulletin board outside the office. (Also needed- people to set up site on Sunday Nov 14.)
No experience needed. Instructions provided. See Anne Stevens with an questions.
There is a special WUMC link to use to BUILD A BOX ONLINE for Operation Christmas Child.
It's an easy way to build boxes without shopping and going from store to store to find all of the items you'd like to donate. Also, besides the fact someone packs the boxes for you, the $9.00 donation requested is INCLUDED in the $25.00 per box total.
It's fun and it's pretty amazing. Try it yourself or let your kids or grandkids help you (they will love the process!).
By using the link attached, your box will be added to our WUMC Gospel Opportunity totals!
Alex is a Shoebox recipient that has a special message just for the Waterville United Methodist Church! Click the link to hear!
Missions Committee Update
October 3: 105
October 10: 103
October 17: 105
October 25: 107
October 31: TBA
November Card Ministry Liaison
Terry Myers
Please reach out to her at profmyers@sbcglobal.net if you know of someone who needs an encouraging words through a card. Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
With the holidays fast approaching, SPRC wanted to send out a reminder to remember our staff this holiday season. If you wish to give a gift here is a list of our current staff:
Pastor -- Mike Denman
Youth -- Adam and Stephanie Shelton
Office -- Kourtney Hanenkratt
Pianist -- Olga Topuzova-Meade
Custodian -- Art Meade
Nursery -- Jenni Bollinger and Sara Shoemaker
Worship Leader -- Andrea Kaufhold
Happy Birthday to you!
(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
Melva Robinson November 1
Kourtney Hanenkratt November 3
Aiden Wittenmyer November 3
Michael Denman November 4
Janet Quinn November 4
Stephanie Shelton November 5
Maddock Hires November 8
David Landis November 8
Nicholas Sheridan November 9
Steven Suchocki November 10
Wendell Welker November 10
Hailey Kahl November 14
Lauren May November 14
Caitlin May November 14
Steve Rath (Former Pastor) November 14 Marny Mazzarella November 16
Zoe Rose November 17
Heather Rose November 18
Jan Sheridan November 18
Hazel McCausland November 19
Delores Young November 19
Shamarr Lipinski November 20
Thomas McCausland November 20
Karen Wiggins November 20
Chase Kirby November 21
Carol Lynch November 21
Rowen Underwood November 21
Thomas Kahl November 23
Gage McMillan November 24
Stephanie Allison November 25
Elaine Colyer November 25
Matt Gingery November 25
Jamel Lipinski November 26
Ella Kimball November 27
Michael Page November 27
Jacob Kahl November 28
Donna Martin November 28
Terry Myers November 28
Ted Myers November 30
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 .
Office hours are generally Monday through Thursday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office.
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages:
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |