Helping you care for our land, water, soil, and wildlife
Napa RCD Weekly Activity Digest - 7th Edition

Greetings from Napa RCD!

Keep your mind and body sharp, and incorporate a little science workout every day in May! Try observing an insect for five minutes...what surprises you about what you observe? Can you see and identify three kinds of animals from your bedroom window? Check out the Napa Park Rx Challenge for a series of outdoor activities you can do around your home and neighborhood! And then, try this 30-Day Science Challenge from Phenomena for NGSS to flex your mental muscles!

For our high school and college-aged readers: the Napa County Wildlife Conservation Commission is now accepting applications for a Youth Representative. Gain experience in civic service and conservation issues by applying to this 2 year position, ages 15 - 25 are eligible.

As always, don't forget to share the things you're finding and doing on social media, tagging @NapaRCD and #WILDnapa. We can't wait to see what you're up to!

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Many thanks to the following education and outreach activity sponsors for their support: NOAA, County of Napa, Napa County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, City of Napa, the Watershed Information and Conservation Council, and Friends of the Napa River.
Online & Inside Activities
Science at Home

What do glaciologists, geomagnetism, and the island of New Guinea have in common? Environmental scientists from each of these fields are holding free virtual lectures throughout the month of May! Environmental Science and chill anyone?

Bay-Friendly Garden Month
May is Garden Month in Napa County!

Need inspiration for a new garden project?

During the month of May, we will be featuring live, exclusive videos direct from Napa gardens   and narrated by local gardeners. Rain gardens, pollinator habitat, soil health, and more will be highlighted during these video tours.

We will offer three online webinars   that will focus in on popular gardening topics including sustainable garden design, organic food gardening, and integrated pest management.

Visit   for a video welcome   from Frances and Pat, and to see what we have lined up. More content will be added weekly on the webpage and  Facebook,   so stay tuned!    
Nature Journaling
A Practice in Perspective

This week, think about the ways in which you sense the world. Do you think one of your senses is more powerful than the others? Or more powerful than other people you know?

Next, step outside of the human perspective. Choose something in nature- like a bug, bird or other animal- that experiences the world differently than you do.

Let's look at bees as an example! Bees can sense through the hairs on their legs the electromagnetic fields that plants produce. A weak charge means another bee has recently visited that flower and it is probably depleted of nectar, so not worth the stop.

Investigate how your chosen wild critter sees, smells, moves, etc. Take notes, make sketches or measurements in your nature journal, and try to observe it in person. There are so many different ways to view and experience the world, why not try one other than your own?
No Tech Needed
Let's melt some ice!

What happens when we put ice on different surfaces? Will it melt faster on one vs. another? Come up with an explanation for the different melting rates you observe and then test that explanation on a few new surfaces! What did you learn?

Let us know what you find out!
Weekly Challenge
Tree Hunt Time!

Fuller Park in Napa is on the National Register of Historic Places and has over 40 species of trees. If you live nearby, take a walk to the park and see if you can spot all 40! If not, explore the Fuller Park species list and see if you can spot any of these trees around your neighborhood.
Weekly Nature Nugget
This week we are looking at the lively Western Columbine, found in many places throughout Napa County. This particular specimen was found in Skyline Park this year. You can learn more about Western Columbine ( Aquilegia formosa ) on  CalFlora   or  iNaturalist .
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Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |