July 2020

We want your input!
Join Us at the 2020 Virtual CIE Summit!

The CIE Summit brings together key 2-1-1, social, health, non-profit, research, data, philanthropy, education, technology, and government thought leaders from across the nation to engage in interactive discussions about bridging health and social service sectors to build strong and thriving communities.

We have made all of the necessary arrangements to uphold a high-quality event by providing an enhanced agenda, timely content, and expanded learning opportunities that you won’t
want to miss!
Featured: Discussion on the Impact of Inequality
Core to the equity theme of this year’s CIE Summit and conversations that the CIE partner network has been holding during the bi-monthly meetings regarding racial justice and health inequities with COVID-19, this year's summit will:

  • Host open discussions on the impact of inequity and how to lead with inclusion;
  • Explore community-based approaches to building a CIE;
  • Incorporate thoughtful strategies for activating community voice; and
  • Emphasize the representation of diverse perspectives to inform CIE design, implementation, and data collection.

To view the tracks, agenda and plenaries, visit: .

*If it's not within your budget, please reach out to our CIE team to ask us about sponsorship opportunities at .
Take Action: Join our Community Voice
We Need Your Input!
We encourage community members to join the CIE movement. As a CIE community member, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback, insight, and experience into how we can better support the community.

Please encourage your team and clients to sign up to participate!
CIE Impact
CIE Accomplishments
CIE has been at the forefront of the COVID-19 response allowing organizations across the county to use real-time data to respond to the quickly changing needs of community members and the rapidly changing resource landscape that includes health care, food, housing, and mental health services. 

During the fiscal year 2019-2020, the CIE platform experienced the largest increase of adoption, engagement, and intervention metrics and met most of the goals set for the year!

As the COVID-19 cases continue on the rise in San Diego County, CIE will continue to leverage CIE partnerships and technology to expand on the needed services in our county. 
Summary of goals accomplished

91 Partners joined CIE ​
  • 10 new partners joined since COVID-19​
  • 22 new partners joined during Fiscal Year

Increase capacity and infrastructure​
  • 49 new direct referral services since activation ​
  • Total 350 direct referral options​
  • Developed partnerships to increase capacity and availability of COVID-19 food related needs
  • Developed screenings and intake forms tools such as the Homeless Prevention (HEAP) and CIE risk rating scale assessments to screen for appropriateness of homeless prevention services

Bi-Monthly Meetings with Partners ​
  • COVID-19 and Racial Justice bi-monthly meetings
  • Tripled participation (50-80 attendees) during CIE monthly meetings

Partner Communication
  • Monthly reports and newsletter
  • Re-launched social media campaign

Community Participation
  • Launched CIE Community Voice
FY 2020-2021 Goals
Next fiscal year, CIE will continue to build out the network, expand engagement and partnership, and to provide the infrastructure needed for our region and to continue to push the CIE conversation nationally. Some of the goals include:

Improved System of Care​
  • Outcomes that matter
  • Improved and expanded data integration ​
  • Leveraging the CIE to shape care (i.e. prioritization of services and case management services)​

Community Voice & Involvement​
  • Community Voice Opportunities (Community Advisory Board)​
  • Micro, Mezzo, Marco Impact (qualitative and quantitative)​
  • Policies and Influence that lead with community and equity​

Shared Ownership Across the Network​
  • Embedding infrastructure into other organizations​
  • Ambassadors and chairs incorporated into engagement​
  • CIE Champions within org to push person-centered model
CIE Update
Help us Welcome Richard Sacco to the CIE Team!
Richard Sacco is excited to be joining the 2-1-1 San Diego team as CIE Program Assistant. Since moving to San Diego at the age of 7, Richard is happy to call “America’s Finest City” home.

An avid lover of foreign languages and international cultures, Richard received a Master’s degree in Arab Studies with a focus in Humanitarian and Refugee Emergencies from Georgetown University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Arabic from UCLA. Prior to joining 2-1-1 San Diego, Richard worked with various organizations in the fields of interfaith dialogue, intercultural communication, and community services.

He hopes to draw upon his previous experiences to help provide enhanced social services and equitable opportunities to the members of San Diego’s wonderful and diverse communities. Always happy to listen and learn. Richard looks forward to working with the CIE team and local network partners in serving the community and making San Diego an even better place to live for all.
New CIE Partners
Welcome to CIE, Housing Innovation Partners!
Welcome to CIE, Mental Health Systems!
Welcome to CIE, Neighborhood House Association!
User Experience Workgroup
You are Invited!
Join us at the next User Experience workgroup as we explore how to redesign the CIE dashboard for a more robust user interface and user experience.

When: Jul 23, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM Pacific Time
Please register via Zoom in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Opportunities with CIE
Essential Goods Delivery Program
We are still searching for organizations that provide food pantries, food boxes or material goods to clients that want to participate in the Essential Goods Delivery Program!

Is your organization interested in free food or essential goods delivery to your clients? 

Submit the interest form below.
CIE Partner Survey
CIE is participating in a 3-year project with the Agency for Healthcare and Research Quality (AHRQ) and Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network (SIREN) to update the CIE individual and aggregate view dashboard to share information in CIE!

This is a great opportunity to provide your input on how we can improve the way social factors and health information is presented in the Community Information Exchange (CIE). 

Please take a few minutes to complete the CIE Partner survey and to share what is most valuable within CIE.
Food Site
We are looking for a site to hold emergency food and operate food deliveries from FACT and Door Dash.

If you have extra space to host CIE's COVID-19 food delivery programs at your facility, please reach out to Karis:
CIE in the News
Addressing Community Needs and Preparing for the
Secondary Impacts of Covid-19
CIE was featured in an article by the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Catalyst released on June 25, 2020.

The economic fallout of Covid-19 is exposing the deepest flaws, fractures, and inequities within our health care and social service systems.

There is a growing gap between the need for essential resources and the capacity to coordinate and meet those needs. While we all respond to the immediate challenges, we also need to commit to rebuilding these systems with sustainable solutions that address essential resource needs, equity, and social determinants of health.

To read the full article, click here .
Upcoming Meeting and Events
Monthly CIE Partner Network Meeting - July 23,2020 from 9:00 am-10:00 am via Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting :

Meeting ID:  964 2049 3897     Password:  717049
One tap mobile:  +16699009128

CIE Network Partners
Any questions? Contact us:
211 San Diego/Imperial | Community Information Exchange