NEWS - Sept. 14, 2020
New products, new tutorials and a new look to this newsletter! (After 15 years, Constant Contact retired my old format...) It is always good to welcome you back! First, the news.

Maxon announced and released a new version of Cinema 4D (R23) along with announcing MAXON ONE. This is subscription-based access to Cinema 4D, Redshift for C4D and Red Giant Complete, all in one package. New in Cinema 4D are advancements to the character animation system, UV editing, viewport display and asset exchange. Also, for the first time ever, included inside C4D is Red Giant’s Magic Bullet Looks. 

Link: (If link breaks, copy and paste into browser.)

NAB announced new dates for their annual meeting next year: Oct. 9 - 13, 2021 in Las Vegas. "With any difficult decision, there are trade-offs. Moving NAB Show to October means we are considering alternative 2021 dates for NAB Show New York, held annually in October. On the plus side, the 2021 Radio Show will co-locate with NAB Show in Las Vegas as will NAB’s Sales and Management Television Exchange," NAB said in it's release.

Brainstorm announced "Brainstorm Virtual Week" to showcase InfinitySet’s photorealistic virtual sets and augmented reality, including Unreal Engine, broadcast virtual set workflows using InfinitySet as a hub for a number of technologies, and Aston as the most versatile 2D/3D motion graphics creation, CG and playout system, with special interest in graphics workflow environments. Starts Monday, Sept. 14.

Colourlab AI is new software that uses advanced AI models trained for cinematic content, Colourlab Ai makes it simple to automatically color match footage from a graded clip or reference image. Instantly matching scenes across an edited timeline or matching hours of dailies, the time-savings Colorlab Ai offers is revolutionary. Still in beta, it is looking for colorists to test the software.

I am humbled by the wonderful reviews my book is getting. For instance, John Shreck wrote: "I have 40 years experience in Advertising/Marketing/Graphic Art/Video and I am on my 4th read through. Every page I learn something new or relearned something I forgot. BUY THIS BOOK!" Here's the Table of Contents from the book to give you a better sense of what this covers. Buy a copy for your clients - it will make them much more informed and easier to work with.

BIG NOTE: The 45% discount on my book ends tomorrow - Tuesday, 9/15.

Last week's webinar covered media management, file sizes and video formats. Designed for both Adobe Premiere Pro and Apple Final Cut Pro X, this covered everything you need to think about before starting your next project. It's available in my store or Video Training Library. Plus as a bonus, with the download you also get a PDF version of my presentation slides as a quick reference.

This week's webinar looks at the new features in Apple Final Cut Pro X: new proxy workflow, collaboration, Smart Conform and a host of smaller, yet still helpful features. Shows are Wednesday, 9/16, at 9 AM and 12 PM. Registration, as always, is FREE!

My four tutorials this week grew out of last week's study of media management. My lead story is "Media Planning Guidelines" - tips to help you plan the media and storage needs of future projects. Again, these tips work for both Premiere and Final Cut. 

Other tutorials this week include an explanation of why H.264 and HEVC media is considered hard to edit, a look at how file sizes change as frame size, frame rates and codecs change, and an explanation of why changing frame rates so often causes jitter. You'll find the links below in the Articles section.

We are a week away from the equinox that marks the end of summer and the start of fall. In spite of the chaos of today, some things remain the same. The seasons change. Time moves on. So will we, ultimately. In a world filled with rumor and disinformation, our ability to tell compelling stories and clearly explain facts remains critically important - even if we don't always get the respect we should. We are communicators. The world still needs us.

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay hopeful. Until next Monday, edit well.
» Media Planning Guidelines for Video Editing (Tutorial)
  » Tips to help plan the media we need for our next video editing project.

» Why H.264 and HEVC are Hard to Edit (Tutorial)
  » This explains why we consider these formats inefficient and hard to edit.

» Planning Storage Needs for Video Editing (Tutorial)
  » The impact of video frame size, frame rate and codec on storage capacity.

» Why Converting Video Frame Rates Causes Problems (Tutorial)
  » This explains why converting video frame rates often causes stutter.

* New proxy creation and workflow
* Smart conform for media re-framing
* ProRes RAW improvements
* Workflow improvements
* Motion and Compressor Quick Looks

* How file size and frame rate affect storage
* Planning storage bandwidth and capacity
* Why and when to work with proxies
* The impact of 8K video on editorial workflow
* Challenges in changing frame rate
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