Technical Communique 
May 26, 2020

BASIS International Ltd. releases BBj®, the Barista® Application Framework, and AddonSoftware® by Barista version 20.10. This release is noteworthy, as it ends support of BASIS products on Java 8, for which Oracle ceased providing free critical patch updates in the first quarter of 2019. Your choices, regarding using a version of Java 11 that BASIS products are supported on, are detailed below. 

Version 20.10 also incorporates all customer requested fixes listed in the Fixes file. 

Download   20.10 today and for additional details, refer to the readme, relnotes, and fixes files.

JavaYour Java Choices
BASIS has a tradition of offering choices rather than dictating to their development community in times of change, and this is no exception. During the transition to Java 11, BASIS has supported BBj on both of Oracle's versions of Java (8 and 11), as well as the OpenJDK Java 11. With the end of BBj support on Java 8, this would be the moment for BASIS to formally offer two different BBj product offerings, one that is supported on Oracle's Java 11 and future Long Term Support (LTS) Oracle Java versions, and one that is also supported on OpenJDK 11 and their future LTS versions.

Given the harsh economic effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic, BASIS will delay the introduction of two different versions of BBj until at least September 2020.

However, Oracle's changes do require action on your part in order to have a secure environment.

In January 2019, Oracle ended free critical security patches for Oracle Java 8 for commercial use. Further, Oracle announced that Java 11 and beyond exclude several key components previously packaged with Java, amongst which, most notably for BASIS developers and end-users, are Web Start and JavaFX. Java Web Start had been conveniently used for updating and deploying BASIS' thin client to desktops via a simple URL. 

The April 2019 Oracle Java release required a subscription support plan with Oracle. As a provider or user of BASIS-based technology, it is no longer "good enough" to remain on the insecure Java 8 product which is likely to become a target platform for exploits, and may subject you to security liabilities. Developers must ensure that their applications include the latest Java security updates. Whether to upgrade to the latest BBj AND/OR adding an Oracle support subscription remains your choice.

The most cost-effective path for end-users is to upgrade to the latest BBj and remain current with BASIS technology on the OpenJDK. It is also noteworthy that BASIS has made significant performance strides in desktop application deployment previously requiring Web Start. The new Desktop App BASIS technology, as proven in the field, has significantly better performance than Web Start. There is no reason to stay behind with Java 8 and you are encouraged to take fulfillment of all that BBj 20.10 has to offer.

Contact your BASIS Account Manager to discuss your individual
situation and to assist you in your decision making.
ConnectedHistory of BASIS Product Support for Java
BASIS has a history of keeping in step with Java revisions and supported BBj on multiple Java versions over the years. Since the release of version 18.20 on January 31, 2019, BASIS has effectively been supporting BBj on 3 Java versions for the most popular operating systems. The last free critical patch update to Oracle's Java 8 was made in January of 2019.

This release of BBj version 20.10 is unique in that it will offer support for BBj to two Java versions for the most commonly used operating systems. This marks the end of the longest period (16 months since the last free critical patch update to Oracle Java 8) in BBj's history of supporting BBj on multiple major versions of Java simultaneously.
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BBj, BBx, AddonSoftware, and Barista are registered trademarks of BASIS International Ltd.