New MCFD Practice Bulletins
Please be advised of new practice bulletins released from MCFD.

COVID-19 Practice Bulletin #17: MCFD/DAA & EDUC Collaborative Approaches During Covid-19 Pandemic Return to School Update  
It is that time of year where we are preparing for back to school. It can be both a time of excitement and stress for parents, caregivers, care providers, children and youth. There has been considerable work done to prepare for a successful return to school in this COVID-19 environment. BC has recently announced its Return to School plans, MCFD and Ministry of Education will continue to collaborate to support a successful return to school this year. School is an important part of a child/youth’s social support system and teachers and school personnel play a protective and supportive role for children and youth. MCFD supports and promotes children/youth returning to school based on the guidance and advice of the Provincial Health Officer. Most children will be able to attend school safely in person and this is the preferred option for children and youth in care (CYIC). 

COVID-19 Practice Bulletin #16: AYA Emergency Measures Concluding
Whether a young adult was participating in emergency measures, already on an AYA and their program was paused, or they have been on the Temporary Life Skills Program, each young adult has unique circumstances and needs and workers will need to connect with them to develop individual plans.

COVID-19 Practice Bulletin #15: Transitioning from Youth Emergency Measures
All youth and young adult emergency measures will be ending on September 30, 2020. It is important to actively plan with youth who remained in their foster care, contracted residential agency or family placement, and those who were on a Temporary Support Agreement to transition off the emergency measures

Dan Malone
Executive Director
FPSS Foster Parent Support Services Society
Regional Office: 145-735 Goldstream Avenue, Victoria, BC V9B 2X4
Tel: 778-430-5459 Toll Free: 1-888-922-8437
Fax: 778-430-5463 Email: