The Kentucky Medical Association (KMA), the Kentucky Foundation for Medical Care (KFMC), the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Kentucky have launched a new public health campaign aimed at encouraging Kentuckians to schedule well-visits with their physician and update their immunizations to maintain optimal health.
“Raise Your Guard, KY” was announced by Gov. Beshear during his 4pm press conference on Aug. 20 with a video that included incoming KMA President Dale Toney, M.D., Falls City Medical Society President Lewis Hargett, M.D., Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Kentucky Medical Director Jeff Reynolds, M.D., Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky President and CEO Ben Chandler, and Kentucky Public Health Department Director of Health Equity Vivian Lasley-Bibbs. The video also includes a message of support from Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman.
In addition to the video, Raise Your Guard, KY has created a website,, with resources and information on vaccinations and a link to KMA’s Physician Finder tool. Information on the website is also available in Spanish. The statewide campaign coincides with Immunization Awareness Month and features billboards in Lexington and Louisville, advertisements on radio and streaming services such as Hulu and Crackle, as well as targeted social media ads in areas of the state where there has been a drop in vaccination rates due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
KMA members are encouraged to share the campaign on social media using “#RaiseYourGuardKY.”