Reitz & Rust Vintage Market and Old Abilene Town Oktoberfest

Visit Abilene, Kansas for the 4th Annual Reitz & Rust Fall & Holiday  Market!

Saturday, September 30 

Enjoy, shopping, live music, food trucks and more!

Stay after the Market to attend Old Abilene Town's Oktoberfest celebration complete with food vendors, music and beer garden.

Kansas State Fair

Named one of twenty "Best Small Towns to Visit" by Smithsonian Magazine, the Abilene CVB is taking the show on the road! Visit us at the Kansas State Fair in the Pride of Kansas Building September 8-17, 2017 in Hutchinson.

Thanks to the following partners for volunteering to help staff Abilene's booth:
  • Cliff & Janet Gibbs
  • Teresa Weishaar
  • Bud & Linda Bankes
  • Mary Jane Oard and the Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad volunteers
  • Cecilia Harris
  • Michael Hook & the Dickinson County Heritage Center volunteers
  • Deb Sanders, Windmill Inn Bed & Breakfast
  • Allison Blake, Abilene Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Kathy & Warren, Greyhound Hall of Fame

Eisenhower Presidential Library Named "Best Kansas Attraction

Click image to view video
Trails, Rails and Tales Videos

Thanks to Facebook Live, the Abilene CVB's live videos of Trails, Rails and Tales reached nearly 75,000 people!

Visit the CVB's Facebook Page, Visit Abilene Kansas, to view additional videos including footage from the longhorn parade filmed by Eagle Communications. 

KANSAS! Magazine Features Abilene

The Fall Edition of KANSAS! Magazine is out and features a special "Weekend in Ike's Town". 

The story features Amanda's Bakery & Bistro, Jeffcoat Photography Studio Museum, Rivendell Bookstore, RHV Hardware, Three One One, Engle House Bed & Breakfast, Dickinson County Heritage Center, Greyhound Hall of Fame Museum, Mr. K's Farmhouse, Great Plains Theatre, Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum, Seelye Mansion, Brookville Hotel and more! 

Copies of KANSAS! Magazine are now available for sale in the Abilene Visitors Center gift shop. 

Throwback Thursday

Trip Advisor

Have you visited an Abilene business or attraction? Make sure to share your experience by leaving reviews.
Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum & Boyhood Home
"Why We Fight" Film to Be Shown  at  Eisenhower   Presidential   Library

Why We Fight, a documentary film by Eugene Jarecki, will be shown on Monday, September 11, at the Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home. This free public program begins at 7 p.m. in the Visitors Center.

The 98-minute film was produced by the Eisenhower Project, with support from Sony Pictures Classics and BBC Storyville. It was the winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival and a 2006 Peabody Award. The film includes footage of President Eisenhower's Farewell address on January 17, 1961, in which he warned of the establishment of a military-industrial complex.

"This scary eye-opening documentary looks back from a post 9-11 vantage point to see how Ike's prophecy has come horribly true," said David Ansen, Newsweek.

Following the film, a group discussion will be facilitated by Pam Sanfilippo, EisenhowerPresidential Library Education Specialist.

The Chisholm Trail: Driving the American West
August 24 - October 12 | Library Lobby

This traveling exhibit, a collaboration between Symphony in the Flint Hills and Flint Hills Design in partnership with Lost Trail Soda, invites visitors of all ages to explore the Chisholm Trail from its inception in the 1860s to today. The Chisholm Trail revitalized the cattle industry following the Civil War, and gave rise to the iconic American cowboy. Exhibit highlights include an interactive musical exploration of the scores of verses to the cowboy song, "The Old Chisholm Trail," video and audio clips of movies and songs that reference the Chisholm Trail. Younger visitors can create their own brands with the "Brand Your Beeves" interactive station.

Chisholm Trail and the Cowtown that Raised a President
Exhibit in the Museum Temporary Gallery until May 2018

Celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Chisholm Trail, which brought nearly two million cattle from Texas to the railhead in Abilene, Kansas, between 1867 and 1871. See rare artifacts and historic photographs. Learn about the square meal, the real McCoy, origins of the cowboy boot, and "the wickedest town in the West." Discover stories behind the legends of T.C. McInerney, Bear River Smith, and Wild Bill Hickok among others. Find out why Dwight Eisenhower developed a love for all things western in the Cowtown that raised a President!

Eisenhower and the Great War
Exhibit in the Upstairs Library Gallery until May 2018

War erupted in Europe in 1914 and soon involved nations around the globe. The Great War, as it became known shocked the world with its massive scope and the industrial-like slaughter created by advances in military technology. The United States reluctantly joined the conflict in 1917 and began to build a large professional army from the ground up. One of the young officers who helped in this endeavor was a lieutenant by the name of Dwight Eisenhower. Eisenhower showed remarkable talent for organization and leadership during the years of American involvement in the war. Tasked with training thousands of inexperienced troops in the new and untested art of armored warfare, Eisenhower quickly built a strong and motivated group of soldiers while overcoming severe obstacles and setbacks. This exhibit tells the story of the Great War and its influence on Eisenhower's leadership abilities. World War I, as it would become known later in the century, proved critical to the making of this American Icon.

Great Plains Theatre 

Hillbilly Hotspot - BDS Productions 

Sept 15, 7:00pm    Followed by Afterglow
Sept 16, 7:00pm
Sept 17, 2:00pm

Sept 19, 2:00pm
Sept 20, 2:00pm
Sept 21, 7:00pm  
Sept 22, 7:00pm   
Sept 23, 7:00pm  
Sept 24, 2:00pm

Welcome Campers!

This campground is the perfect place to enjoy your vacation. This area features beautiful views and some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. It's the place where everybody in town comes to meet, which is why it's called the "hotspot". 

Oh sure, some of the folks who live down the way a bit might be what you'd call "hillbillies", but if you're friendly, they'll be friendly right back. In fact, if you're lucky, you might get treated to some authentic hillbilly music and humor. So sit back and relax. 
Remember, you're on vacation.

Calendar of Events

9/7/17 Class & a Glass: Wine & Yoga Night Great Plains Theatre 5:30-7:30, must be 21. Pre-register - tickets $20 or $25 at the door.
9/9/17 ASVRR Country Homes & Barn Tours Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad 10:00 a.m., Tickets - $65, RSVP required.
9/11/17 "Why We Fight" documentary Eisenhower Visitors Center 7:00 p.m.
Sept. 15-24, 2017 Hillbilly Hotspot Great Plains Theatre 7:30 p.m.
9/16/17 St. Andrew Church - A Centennial of Faith St. Andrew Church 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
9/23/17 ASVRR Silver Flyer Railbus Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad 10:00 a.m.
9/30/17 Reitz & Rust Fall & Holiday Vintage Market & Vintage Camper Show Central Kansas Free Fair fairgrounds 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
9/30/17 Oktoberfest Old Abilene Town 4 p.m. - Close
Concert @ 8:00 p.m.
Stay in Abilene

Abilene Lodging Establishments

Abilene  is home to more than 200 rooms. Whether you're in town to visit the Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum, enjoy a show at the Great Plains Theatre, attend the Central Kansas Free Fair, meet with greyhound industry leaders or take a ride on the  Abilene  & Smoky Valley Railroad, we invite you to extend your visit, spend the night and enjoy all  Abilene  has to offer.
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