July/August 2020

A collaboration between OMAFRA and the University of Guelph
Alliance Innovations
Stories of the Alliance people, places and programs generating impact in the agri-food sector in Ontario and around the world.
Welcome to the summer issue of Alliance Innovations. In this issue:
  • The first 100 days of coronavirus in Ontario: A look at how the agricultural research stations across the province ensured animals remained healthy and essential work continued;
  • How the Animal Health Lab is safeguarding animal health during the pandemic;
  • Where to access short summaries of projects ongoing at some of the 15 agricultural research stations;
  • Meet the 2020 Gryphon’s LAAIR grant recipients and learn more about their innovative projects that will benefit the agri-food sector; and
  • News, upcoming (virtual) events and publications.
What's New?
U of G Research Phase-In Framework for COVID-19
The University of Guelph Research Phase-In Framework was updated on July 30 to include information about phasing-in human participant face-to-face research at U of G.
Linda Lissemore named AFL interim director
Linda Lissemore has been named interim director, Agriculture and Food Laboratory and co-executive director of Laboratory Services Division.

Acknowledging Alliance funding in publications
If you are a researcher communicating results of a project for which you received Alliance funding, use this wording to ensure Government of Ontario investment is clearly stated.
Research and Program Highlights
Virologists at AHL
AHL safeguards animal health during pandemic
When it became apparent that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was coming to Canada, the Laboratory Services Division at the University of Guelph followed its emergency preparedness plan to ensure services could continue in the event of staff illness or supply chain disruption.

The fully accredited Animal Health Lab (AHL) specializes in infectious disease diagnostics and surveillance for livestock, poultry, horses and pets, so its staff were also preparing for the possibility they would be testing animals for the virus.
Studies under way at Ontario Agricultural Research Stations
Researchers and agri-food industry partners can leverage a unique network of research stations across Ontario. The stations, which are owned by the Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario (ARIO) and managed by the University of Guelph, support research that fuels real-world field tests not possible anywhere else.
Questions about the studies listed or about ongoing research projects at the research stations?


Location Pin 2
To increase transparency and share research that promotes agri-food discoveries, validates laboratory findings, stimulates further research and provides valuable information for Ontario’s agri-food sector, summaries of current studies are being added to the Alliance website.

Research summaries are now available for:
2020 GLAAIR recipient collage
Gryphon's LAAIR grants help researchers develop products for the growing agri-food sector
In 2020 the province is investing $420,000 in five Gryphon’s LAAIR (Leading to Accelerated Adoption of Innovative Research) projects to help U of G researchers, their students and industry partners conduct market research and create new technologies:

  • Bonnie Mallard & Art Hill: Building an immunity-boosting colostrum product to ensure better calf health
  • George van de Merwe: Breeding stress-tolerant beer yeast strains for enhanced fermentation capacity and product consistency
  • Thomas Koch: Creating an umbilical cord blood-derived treatment to improve the health of horses
  • John Dutcher: Testing of a commercial nanotechnology product to improve anti-aging skin care
  • Thomas Graham: Evaluating the market for regenerative hyperchlorination systems for treating agricultural wastewater
In July we passed a milestone: 100 days since a state of emergency was declared in Ontario because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many businesses and organizations were forced to pause, re-evaluate, and plan for how they would safely continue operations.

The 15 agricultural research stations across Ontario are home to thousands of animals and time-sensitive crop experiments. With additional biosecurity precautions in place, station staff and researchers continued their essential work – ensuring animals were fed, watered and healthy; planting seeds; reconfiguring pasture land; and maintaining the infrastructure that allows this essential work to continue.

Station staff and researchers have ensured stability and continuity during a time of disruption, continuing essential research that keeps the agri-food sector innovative and competitive.

Here is a glimpse into only a few of the research station activities that happened at Ontario's agri-food research stations during the first 100 days of COVID-19.
A selection of Alliance people, places and programs cited in popular and trade media
  1. Influential women in Canadian agriculture: Laura van Eerd (AgAnnex Talks podcast)
  2. Pandemic underlines the need for high-quality herd health (Dairy Producer magazine, July 2020, page 30)
  3. U of G research shows rural areas have unique needs during pandemic recovery (, May 25)
  4.  A spoonful of yeast has big impacts on cattle (Ontario Beef, May 2020, page 14)
Alliance website to be updated this summer
Help us improve the Alliance website, which is being reviewed and updated this summer.

Do you have feedback on the site? Noticed something missing? Send us your feedback. Answer seven short questions.

Dairy at Guelph researchers presented at ADSA meeting
Students and post-docs at the American Dairy Science Association annual meeting on June 23/24 highlighted dairy research results, several of which were based on research at the Ontario Dairy Research Centre. See snapshots of talks on methane emissions, genetics and feed efficiency.
Soil health summer podcast series
Explore factors that affect soil health with U of G researchers in a three-podcast series airing on the Grain Farmers of Ontario podcast GrainTALK. The first installment features Prof. Dave Hooker, Department of Plant Agriculture and Deb Campbell, CCA-ON.
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