Wildcat Wire | Nov. 10, 2021
Home & School Association Virtual Meeting Tonight!
6:30pm | Link Below.

Join us from the comfort of your home to get updates and hear about upcoming events. Students who have at least one parent to attend tonight's meeting will have an out-of-uniform day this Friday. We look forward to seeing you!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 992 5921 0333
In honor Veterans Day tomorrow, Middle School students created a Veterans Day sign (pictured) that will be in the car line tomorrow morning and afternoon. We would love for our veteran families to stop to take a picture with their child either in the morning or afternoon!

If it doesn't rain, the sign will be along the chain-link fence at the back of the Cathedral.

If it is raining, the sign will be underneath the elementary school breezeway.
iGiveCatholic 2021
What is #iGiveCatholic?
November 30, 2021
Early Giving Starts November 15

#iGiveCatholic Giving Day is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and coincides with the worldwide Giving Tuesday, a day when we are called upon to give back for the many blessings in our lives. #iGiveCatholic is a way to give back to Catholic causes -- including Catholic education at ICCS.

While the official #iGiveCatholic Giving Day will be Nov. 30, the early giving campaign begins on Monday, Nov. 15.

ICCS has participated in #iGiveCatholic since its inception three years ago, and our students have reaped the benefits. Funds raised through the #iGiveCatholic campaign have purchased learning materials for our STEAM program and our English/Language Arts programs.

This year's #iGiveCatholic funds will again be allocated to enhance our curriculum throughout the school. Our goal is $8,000.

Please watch for emails and Facebook posts with links to give beginning next week -- and please share the link with your family and friends!
Spread the Good News about ICCS!
Admissions Open House Tomorrow
If you know a family interested in the solid academics, faith-based atmosphere, and close-knit community our ICCS families enjoy, please share that we will hold an Admissions Open House tomorrow Nov. 11 from 9-11am and 1-2pm. Prospective families will have a chance to see our classrooms and students on a typical school day. For more information or to schedule a private tour, please refer them to Cathy Armstrong.

Sheet Orders
The sheet sets have been distributed. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are missing anything or if your order is not correct. Each sheet set includes a set of pillowcases, standard for twin, full and queen, and king size for king sets. If you received an extra set of pillowcases and did not order and pay for an extra set, please return them to the office. 

Second chance to order! 
We will be placing an additional sheet order Friday so if you would like to order, please let us know. Forms are available in the office, or you can email or call Cathy Armstrong. cathy.armstrong@ic.cdom.org or 901-435-5344.
Your Kroger purchases can benefit our school at no cost to you!

It's easy! All you have to do is go online to link your Kroger Rewards Card to ICCS, and every time you make a purchase at a Kroger store a percentage will go to ICCS. There is no cost to enroll, and participating in this program will not affect your gas rewards. To start benefiting ICCS, click the link below. ICCS's code is FW491.


School Communion Service
8:30am, Cathedral

FRIDAY, 11/12
HSA Meeting Out-of-Uniform Day

Monday, 11/22 – Friday, 11/26


Penance Service after Mass

FRIDAY, 12/10
School and Extended School Program CLOSED

PK & JK Christmas Program, 6:00pm

K-4th Christmas Program, 6:00pm