Upcoming Dates:

August 27,2019: Parent Orientation (7 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.)(Mandatory)

August 28, 2019: Student Open House (9 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.)

September 3, 2019: First Day of School (11:30 dismissal)

September 4, 2019: Before Care/Kids Project Begins


"Our mission is to nurture students' innate curiosity and love of learning through 
democratic practice, emergent curriculum, and hands-on projects, helping 
students become lifelong problem-solvers and engaged citizens."



Dear 5th Grade Families, 

I hope this email finds you enjoying an exciting and relaxing summer. I wanted to let you know how excited I am to begin this new upcoming school year, and I also wanted to send this supply list. Please bring these supplies to our Open House on August 28th or on the first day of school on September 3rd.

5th Grade Supply List
1 student planner/schedule book**--choose what works for your student
4 pocket folders**
2 notebooks (spiral or bound)**
2 1-inch binders**
1 package (8 tabs) notebook dividers**
1 sketchbook (5x8 or 8.5x11)**
2 dozen pencils, pre-sharpened
1 set of markers, thick or thin
1 package college rule loose leaf paper
1 box Kleenex
1 box Band-aids
1 roll paper towel
2 skeins yarn
**These items are for the student's personal use. All other supplies will be shared.

To bring every day (labeled with student name):
Full water bottle

To stay at school (labeled with student name):
Gym shoes for P.E. and to change into when wet/dirty boots come off
Cup for water as back-up for forgotten water bottle


Please make sure to take a look at the important upcoming dates on the sidebar. Also I would really like to start learning more about each of your children. A good time for me to do this will be on  August 28th at the parent check-in meetings, there is a link below to sign up. These check- in meetings are brief fifteen minutes spots, and they are an opportunity for you to tell me about the amazing children that I will have the pleasure of working with this year. In these meetings you are free to tell me anything that you feel will be beneficial for me to know about your child, as well as your own personal hopes for your child for this upcoming school year. I look forward to seeing everyone soon!  


Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,

Jasmine Davis


The Children's School