CWSF Newsletter
Organizational Highlights
Forest Utilization Network 2020 Success Stories

The Council of Western State Foresters Forest Utilization Network’s inaugural publication is out now!

This publication features utilization success stories from across the western states, from biochar in Nebraska to jet fuel in Oregon. Please visit the blog to learn more and download the publication.

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Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives - Wyoming Feature

In coordination with the Western Forestry Leadership Coalition (WFLC) Western Urban & Community Forestry (WUCF) Network, guest posts are featured on the WFLC website that tie together human and tree health. The posts are provided by members of the WUCF network and are shared on social media with the hashtag #HealthyTreesHealthyLives.

Volunteers Plant Healthy Communities in Wyoming is a blog post by the Wyoming State Forestry Division. Read the post to see how the spirit of volunteerism benefits both communities and individuals participating in tree plantings!
City of Powell's Homesteader Roots tree planting program leader explains how to plant a container grown tree to volunteers during the spring tree planting event.
Photo credit: Mark Davis, Staff Writer, Powell Tribune
Meet a Forester
This month we are pleased to feature Station Director of the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Richard Barhydt!

We invite you to meet Richard!
Policy Update
This month, the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) officially became law. Senate Republicans outlined their proposal for the next COVID-19 relief package. Negotiations over the next package ended in a stalemate before Congress left for August recess. Bills aimed at assisting forest landowners and markets (the Rural Forest Markets Act) and fire mitigation and firefighting operations (the Emergency Wildlife and Public Safety Act) were introduced. California and Wyoming became the latest western states to formalize state-federal coordination through the signing of Shared Stewardship Agreements.
Great American Outdoors Act

On August 4, the president signed into law the largest conservation legislation in a generation, the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA). Despite the polarization of Congress, the legislation passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in both the House (310-107) and the Senate (73-25). The impacts of the act are twofold. One, it establishes a National Park and Public Lands Legacy Restoration Fund that will provide up to $9.5 billion over the next five years to address the maintenance backlog at national parks and on other federal lands (National Forests are slated to receive 15% of the funds). Two, it permanently funds the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) at up to $900 million per year.

Read more on the blog.
News and Notes from Our Members and Partners
2021 Smokey Bear Awards

The National Association of State Foresters (NASF), USDA Forest Service, and Ad Council have opened the nominations period for the 2021 Smokey Bear Awards. Before submitting a nomination, it is recommended to review the 2021 awards guidelines and criteria and FAQ one-pager on crafting a successful nomination package.

Nominations will be accepted until December 15, 2020.
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Reforestation Funding Opportunity

Since 1990, the Arbor Day Foundation has worked with tree planting organizations to identify and support reforestation projects throughout the United States. To date, the Arbor Day Foundation and its partners have worked together to fund and plant more than 100 million trees. 
The Arbor Day Foundation is currently seeking proposals for 2020/2021 large-scale plantings that will positively impact the environment, create habitat for wildlife, promote watershed restoration, and otherwise benefit the public. 
To apply for funding, fill out an online proposal

Proposals will be accepted through October 16, 2020
Job Blog
Find your next position in western forestry on our job blog!

If you would like to submit a job to be listed, please send Kelsey Cruickshank a web link to the job announcement.
Virtual Learning Opportunities

Check out upcoming webinars on our new blog!

If you have a virtual event that is open to the public that you would like to be featured, please send it to Kelsey Cruickshank.
2020 Event Calendar
Please click the button below to find the 2020 calendar for events hosted by CWSF / WFLC and partner organizations.

If you have an event that you would like added to this calendar, please send the date and location to Kelsey Cruickshank.
What's Happening in Western Forestry?
Each month, we share member news and announcements. We do this by gathering information from newsletters, news releases, and updates in a monthly blog post on the CWSF and WFLC websites. Share news from your state or region by emailing Kelsey Cruickshank.