April showers (excellent after Netflix) bring more May hours.... for online classes. Still navigating the "new normal" with you. Stay home, stay safe, and stay connected!
LIVESTREAM classes now streaming 5 days per week!
More livestream classes -- schedule is on the YNS website and MindBody!

@ 4:30 PM with CLARE

@ 6:00 PM with JENNA

@ 12:00 PM with EMMA

Can't make the livestream times? Check out prerecorded yoga classes on your schedule: YNSOnlineStudioClasses

YNS instructors host these classes via Zoom (bonus: up to 100 people can join in each class -- assuming the broadband holds!)


  • Signing up for a livestream? Check for the zoom link in your confirmation note, emailed/texted via MindBody registration!

  • Got a current "Unlimited Pass" membership? Look for a separate email - monthly note to Unlimited Pass holders provides your exclusive access instructions.

Still free:
(~30 min.) Audio only (MP3)

Please note!
We upload new instructor content as recordings become available.

Online content is provided as available. It is produced by YNS instructors. Our onine offerings will continue to evolve.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions!
Unlimited Studio Pass =
Unlimited Virtual Studio Access!
Yoga Nirvana Unlimited Studio memberships translate to FREE ACCESS (an all-access pass) to our Livestreams and Prerecorded content.

Those of you who are currently in the system, PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL TODAY for info and updates RE Virtual Studio access perks!
We're Learning, and Appreciate Your Feedback!
Dear YNS Community,

We take the health and well-being of our community, customers, and instructors very seriously. Like you, we're closely monitoring the quickly developing effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

This is a particularly trying time for many in our YNS community, and there's never been a better moment to demonstrate the huge impact that patience and kindness can make. We've listed several useful resources (including links to local, state and national resources) on this page: http://www.yoganirvanastudio.com/covid-19-updates/. The list is updated frequently, and if there are additional resources you feel would be helpful to the community, PLEASE EMAIL THEM to yoganirvanastudio@gmail.com.

We are still here, and grateful as ever for your presence, persistence and patience as we all navigate this jouney and the evolving "new normal." We hope you and your loved ones are safe, and look forward to seeing everyone in person again as soon as it's safe for us to do so.

Meanwhile, can't find what you're looking for yet? Links not working as expected? Having technical difficulties with livestream or downloads? PLEASE CALL (815) 570-9642 or email yoganirvanastudio@gmail.com - we want to keep everyone connected! Stay safe out there and -- hope to "see" you at our (temporarily virtual) studio!

Admins @ Yoga Nirvana Studio (YNS)