There’s a big difference between finding a doctor (which is difficult enough!) and feeling comfortable enough to stick with them. Since 2010, there have been encouraging improvements in the number of people living with HIV who connect to care and those who become viral suppressed. However, the number people who are actively engaged in care or stay in care has decreased. Here’s the math: In 2018, 75% of persons newly diagnosed with HIV were linked to care within1 month. At year-end 2019, 7 in 10 PLWH (people living with HIV) were engaged in care, 5 in 10 were retained in care, and 6 in 10 were virally suppressed.

Linkage to HIV care is critically important to make sure that people stay healthy and reach undetectable viral loads, which can help stop the spread of the virus, but it’s just the first step. At APLA Health, we create care plans that place the person front and center, not the virus. We provide guidance on antiretroviral medication and help people stick to their medication.
This year we lowered our Bronze level to $100! That’s right—now to receive the 2020 edition of our collectible AIDS Walk shirt and pin, you only need to fundraise $100 by September 13th, and we will ship your awards straight to you. And this year we are throwing in a mask so that all of you can stay safe out there when you are all walking 6.2 miles in your neighborhoods!

Aiming a little higher than $100? Our Star Walker awards this year include:
  • Personalized Star Walker plaque
  • Collectible Star Walker pin
  • Customized Drag Queen video shoutout
  • A photo of you in our ABC7 special this weekend (must raise $1000 by today, 8/24, at 11:59pm for this award and submit by 8/25 at 5:00pm)
Time to remind

You’ve probably done a lot of asking for donations already, which means you probably haven’t heard back from some people. That’s ok! Now is the perfect time to remind them about the urgent need for vital HIV health services in LA County. It’s possible they meant to donate and got distracted, or meant to hit reply and and accidentally saved the email as a draft instead. (Not everyone is as tech savvy as you!) Either way, take today to circle back with your network and see if they’re down to donate this time around.
AIDS Walk Los Angeles
213.201.9255 (WALK) ·