August 2020
Smartboard Gazette Newsletter
What if my child is scared of wearing a face covering?
It's understandable that children may be afraid of cloth face coverings at first.
Here are a few ideas to help make them seem less scary:
😷 Look in the mirror with the face coverings on and talk about it.
😷 Put a cloth face covering on a favorite stuffed animal.
😷 Decorate them so they're more personalized and fun.
😷 Show your child pictures of other children wearing them.
😷 Draw one on their favorite book character.
😷 Practice wearing the face covering at home to help your child get used to it.
For children under 3, it's best to answer their questions simply in language they understand.
If they ask about why people are wearing cloth face coverings, explain that sometimes people wear them when they are sick, and when they are all better, they stop wearing them.
For children over 3, try focusing on germs. Explain that germs are special to your own body. Some germs and good and some are bad. The bad ones can make you sick. Since we can't always tell which are good or bad, the cloth face coverings help make sure you keep those germs away from your own body.
One of the biggest challenges with having children wear cloth face coverings relates to them β€œfeeling different" or stereotyping them as being sick. As more people wear these cloth face coverings, children will get used to them and not feel singled out or strange about wearing them.
Source - The American Academy of Pediatrics:
Tuesday, September 8th
Now Hiring - Substitute Teachers 
Apply Today: 

Please return all completed sub and support staff applications to our District Office located at 208 E. South Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147. 

For questions regarding subbing, please contact Lynelle Gramm at 262-348-1008. 
Parent & Student Reminders

Limit Non-Essential Visitors
In an effort to protect the health and safety of our community, only essential visitors will be allowed on school campuses to minimize the number of people on-site. Parents picking up/dropping off are encouraged to use pickup/drop off zones. No outside guests will be allowed to visit classrooms or cafeterias. All efforts will be made to keep necessary visitors to a minimum. If a parent needs to deliver an essential item to their student during the school day, please call the school office prior to arriving to make the necessary arrangements. 

Most meetings with families will take place virtually unless an in-person meeting is necessary. Parents meeting on-site with school staff must follow social-distancing guidelines and must wear face coverings.

Lake Geneva Schools will not allow food delivery and/or parents dropping off take out food for students for the 2020-2021 school year. Please plan on sending a packed lunch with your student in the morning or purchasing school-provided lunches. 

Just a reminder that you may NOT drop your student off before 8:15 a.m. There is no student supervision before that time. We encourage all families to use our drop off zone located at the back of Star Center. No parent will be allowed to walk their student to class. SEE MAP BELOW.

If you are picking up your child at the end of the day, a parent or guardian needs to call the office at 262-348-7000 before 2:30pm or send a note with the student to let us know. Please use the pick-up zone located at the back of Star Center. SEE MAP BELOW.

If there is a change to your child's normal bus routine, we require a note or a phone call by a parent or guardian to the school, 262-348-7000, to make that change. Please do so before 2:30pm. Please call the school, not the bus company.
Please click below for all information regarding health and wellness at Star Center.
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