
October 2021

Dear Debra,

There's so much going on these days I'm not sure where to begin so I'll get right to the point.

AS you may have noticed, the energies in the world have amped up as levels of transmediumship open up.

With the veils at their thinnest this time of year, the spirits are showing themselves in grand fashion.

if you're Not feeling quite like yourself or experiencing a sense that you're on the outside looking in you are, whether consciously or unconsciously, becoming aware of the transmediumship abilities (energy) of yourself and others.

When will this end and what can we do?

well, what's happening is not going away any time soon but October is a month of transformation and rebirth. awareness is the key.

we are all being affected by these energies in one way or another. The best way forward is to give ourselves, our emotions, and our bodies space to be.

As always, if you'd like a bit of insight, and clarity, book a session.

Also, Be sure to scroll down to see the soul strategies insight for the month that includes information about the Pleiadian constellation as it relates to death and rebirth and the Arcturus gateway opening to remind us of who we are.

important note: I will be on retreat from October 20 - October 28th. if you're ready to schedule, please do so now as I expect my schedule to fill up quickly.

book a reading

🦇 Halloween for the Modern Mystic 🦇

Halloween for the Modern Mystic: 

A Soulful Meditation & Communication with Spirit

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Join us on Halloween at the witching hour to pierce the veils, tune in to the spiritual world, and communicate with spirit!

During the time of year when the veils are thin between the spirit and physical worlds, intuition, and all things spiritual are amplified giving us greater access to the "higher realms" of consciousness.

On all hallows eve, we acknowledge the cycles of transformation and rebirth and therefore it’s the perfect time for the modern mystic to step up, clear out the old, and open a new space to express ourselves as the spirits that we are.

What better way to transform than communicating with spirit?

When: October 31, 2021

Time: 7 pm Central

Where: Online or by phone

Register here

🎃 Soul strategies 🎃

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October energy:

Yes, it's that time of year when the veils are thinning, intuition is heightened, and the mystical magic of Halloween moves to the forefront.

October is a powerful time to tune in to spirit and add new and creative ways to express ourselves as the spirits that we are.

After all, most of us enjoyed dressing up for Halloween right? Did you know that is a way of breathing life and light into our creative expression? We decided on a super-cool costume and showed others that part of us.

I loved being a princess, a witch, a devil, a gypsy, a mystic and I even dressed up as a figure in a Toulouse Lautrec painting. What was your favorite costume expression?

Even if we decided on dressing as a mummy, or the walking dead, we enjoyed playing the part. Some of us giggled behind the masks as ghosts, ghouls, and magical witches...in fact, if you think about it, we were celebrating spirit come to life.

Mercury Retrograde:

Mercury goes direct on October 18th but it will take a week or two to return to full forward motion, Take notice of what's been happening since September 20th (give or take), have gratitude for the release, and decide to move on.

October 16-18, Arcturus Gateway Opens:

The Arcturus Gateway is considered a cosmic portal that offers us a sense of "coming home to ourselves" as we connect with the spiritual part of us that is more than the physical body.

This opening offers us light codes ( energy vibrations) to heal our emotional bodies and guide us to access and bring in our wisdom and light from all dimensions.

Tune in to the energy and allow it to flow through you.

October 20, Aries Full Moon:

Open your heart, mind, and soul, let go of any resistance, and surf the energy wave that comes through with this transformative full moon. Let the wave carry you forward with ease.


The Pleiades constellation:

The Pleiadian constellation representing death and rebirth shines brightly this time of year.

Death and rebirth in this regard are about transformation not physical death. All "letting go" is a death of sorts, and all transformation is a rebirth. The energies of the Pleiades offer us light for both.

October 31, Halloween:

Join us for a soulful, mystical retreat within as we journey to communicate with spirit!

📺 Ester Goldberg TV Appearance replay 📺

Ester Goldberg TV appearance.

Yes, I did a thing!

Did you see it yet?

Last week I had the honor of an appearance on Ester Goldberg TV. Have a look at this "spirited" video

chat where I talk about growing up as a psychic, empathic child, the energy of the current Mercury Rx cycle, and other otherworldly things!

And now, I will leave you to think about this...

"It's said that All Hallows' Eve is one of the nights when the veil between the worlds is thin - and whether you believe in such things or not, those roaming spirits probably believe in you, or at least acknowledge your existence, considering that it used to be their own."~ Erin Morgenstern

With Love, Light, and Peace,



Spiritual Director



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