May 2020
The IRB Review
A compilation of information, announcements, & updates for UK Institutional Review Board (IRB) members, research investigators, & others involved with human subject research.
As previously announced, all human research activities remain paused except for the following:
  • Research with direct participant benefit
  • Research where stopping intervention would cause harm
  • COVID-19 research
  • Studies with no in-person contact

The current pause will remain in place until further notice.

For the latest IRB announcements, updates, and FAQs see the ORI COVID-19 webpage .   

COVID-19 Informed
Consent Options

The University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) has shared a video demo of their process for obtaining remote consent of UK COVID-19 Biobank participants using REDCap. 

NEW Online Training

HSP Training Option for Non-UK Collaborators

When the National Institutes of Health (NIH) chose to discontinue the publicly available Protecting Participants in Human Research course, ORI obtained permission to use and update the content. We are pleased to announce the availability of the Non-UK Human Subject Protection (HSP) training course for individuals who are NOT UK employees or students.  

While CITI remains as the required platform for UK study personnel, the Non-UK HSP training is available for external collaborators who do not have Link Blue access to CITI.  

For more information or instructions on accessing the course, see the ORI Non-UK HSP training FAQ

sIRB Reliance Training

According to the Revised Common Rule’s Cooperative Research Provision (45 CFR 46.114), all institutions located in the United States, that are engaged in cooperative research conducted or supported by a Common Rule department or agency, must use a Single IRB for the portion of the research conducted in the United States. 

The University of Kentucky has developed an optional reliance training module to assist researchers in understanding and complying with this requirement.  

To access the module see " Reliance Training " on the ORI Single IRB webpage

Other Online Training

Responsible Conduct of Research: To ensure a baseline knowledge of ethical research practices, the Office of the Vice President for Research is implementing a new web-based Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). All research eligible employees at UK must complete the basic course and refresher course annually.

Electronic Lab Notebook (LabArchives): LabArchives® electronic research notebook is UK-supported, multidisciplinary, and designed to help improve research documentation. Please visit this ORI link for a Quick Start Guide, FAQs and tutorials: 

Please see the Vice President for Research (VPR) COVID-19 FAQs for Researchers for more training opportunities.
Upcoming ORI Office Hours
May 13, 2020
12 pm - 1 pm
May 28, 2020
1 pm - 2 pm