Dear FPC Members and Friends,
At its June stated meeting the FPC Session approved a
Phase-In Plan for Reopening. We give thanks for faithful and efficient work of the COVID Task Force, which went about its work with the greatest concern for the well-being of our congregation and greater Auburn/Opelika community.
In addition to the recommendations for reopening stated below, the session also discussed the following:
- Members of the COVID Task Force will continue to monitor local data and share this information with the session. Session will decide whether or not the data warrants a change phases and each week the congregation will receive updates in the weekly congregational email.
- As we near phases 3 and 4, more specific information regarding safety protocols will be shared with the congregation.
- As a fail-safe protocol, if at any time should there be an increase in cases over a period of time (for a period of 5 days), the recommendation would be to revert back to the safest phase to implement.
For the time being, as we remain in Phase 1, we are asking that members with access to the building only enter if you have a purpose related directly to the implementation of the mission of the church.
Before entering, please contact a member of the staff so that the date/time/exact location of your entering the building can be recorded and custodial staff informed. We ask that all members wear a mask the entire time you are in the church building.
We are grateful for your patience, support, and prayers. The ordination vows of elders and ministers in the Presbyterian Church (USA) ask those in leadership to exercise “energy, intelligence, imagination, and love.” Evidence of all these characteristics is clear in the way our church session and staff is seeing us through this uncertain time. We give thanks to God for them and for you in our own prayers.
With gratitude,
Kathy & Nick
Matthew 25 Invitation
At its June meeting, the FPC Session approved the following recommendation:
Responding to the encouragement of the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley, we move that FPC Auburn pledge to become a Matthew 25 congregation in order to focus and share our efforts in:
• Building congregational vitality by challenging people and congregations to deepen their faith and get actively and joyfully engaged with their community and the world.
• Dismantling structural racism by advocating and acting to break down the systems, practices and thinking that underlie discrimination, bias, prejudice and oppression of people of color.
• Eradicating systemic poverty by working to change laws, policies, plans and structures in our society that perpetuate economic exploitation of people who are poor.
We look forward to sharing how our church is already engaging in these efforts as well as learning from other congregations in our denomination seeking to do the same. More information about Matthew 25 can be found at:
Becoming the Beloved Community
Following up on last September's Becoming the Beloved Community conversation, we hope you will register for Tuesday evenings virtual event, "Becoming the Beloved Community in the Midst of Racism, Inequality, and COVID-19." See the flier below for more details and register today at
From the FPC Mission Committee -
Our House Athletic Shoe Drive
Dear Congregation,
Many local Auburn children are in need of athletic shoes for the new school year. Please help in this summer's mission-The Our House shoe drive!
Sign up here
Review the available slots with the child's first name, gender, grade, and athletic shoe size. You can sign up to purchase a pair of shoes or gift card for an Auburn child in need. Thank you!
1. A suggested gift card would be $40 for kids sizes, $50 for adult sizes.
2. If you purchase athletic shoes online, ship to: Cheryl Grisham at 530 Forestdale Dr, Auburn, AL 36830. This should be done by June or early July to insure the shoes are shipped and received before the end of July.
3. If you purchase shoes or a gift card locally, we will come pick up from your house (wearing a mask!) and deliver them to Our House.
4. All purchases should be completed by June or mid-July, so the shoes can be distributed to the children BY the end of July/first of August and before school begins.
With love, hope, and gratitude,
the First Presbyterian Church Mission Committee
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
Adult Education Opportunities in June
Thursdays, 12 p.m.:
Introduction to Bible Journaling
Join us for an introduction to Bible journaling led by Susan Fillippeli. Bible journaling involves the use of art to meditate on and study scripture. The point is not to make beautiful art, but to seek to better understand God’s word through creative expression. Please let Rev. Kathy Reed ( if you would like a recording emailed to you for later viewing!
Password: 772773
Tuesdays, 12 p.m.:
Office Hours Bible Study - The Book of Job
A syllabus for the course can be found
here. Details on how to watch the content of the lecture/conversation can be found at: Then, join us for a discussion group led by our pastors on Tuesdays at 12 p.m. on Zoom:
Password: 465405
224th General Assembly of the PC(USA)
The 224th General Assembly of the PC(USA) will be held virtually June 19, 26, and 27. More information about the schedule and format of the assembly, the business on the docket, and how this year's virtual approach may change the face of General Assemblies going forward may be found
Opportunities to Worship
It is our hope to worship together via our church’s YouTube Channel and on WQSI FM TALK 95.9 at 11 a.m. this Sunday. Please let all your church friends know the different ways to experience Sunday morning worship. To view the service you can go directly to our church’s
YouTube Channel via your computer, smartphone, or Smart TV app
) or you can access the worship service through our website or Facebook page. Knowing we are at the mercy of technology, we appreciate your patience and grace if all does not go according to plan. Attached you will find a
bulletin for this Sunday’s service
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Psalm 118:24
The words of the psalmist inspired our 2020 stewardship campaign, and we can find comfort in those words today. In these extraordinary times, it is important for us to reflect on the abundance of God’s grace and the gifts we have received. When we began the stewardship campaign in September 2019, we could not imagine what this year would bring; however, through all, God’s love endures, and the work of the church continues. In this time of online worship, we are reminded that giving is part of the church’s liturgy. Whether you share your financial gifts weekly, monthly, or annually, your offering continues to support our missions of worship, fellowship, Christian education, outreach, and UKirk, to name the broad categories.
The church staff remains available to receive your pledge payments during this time, whether you elect to mail a check to the church office, process a payment directly from your bank, or use
online giving. We do need to inform you that a flat rate of two percent is deducted from each contribution made through online giving. If you choose to provide your pledge payment online, please prayerfully consider whether you are able to add an amount to help off-set the processing fee.
For members with children, remember it is important to talk to your children about giving, especially during this time when they may not see you put anything in the offering plate.
Generosity Committee
June 22 - Jan Reppert
June 23 - Ryan Smith
June 24 - Avery Moore
June 25 - Nathan Stewart, Bob Walkup
June 26 - Harris White
June 27 - Derek Holman, Jean Peterson, Jessica Rouillard
June 23 - Steve and Karen Hickok
June 27 - Doug and Emily Klinkenborg
June 27 - Jim and Ki Seroka (50th!)
Prayer Concerns
For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.
Prayer Concerns:
• Prayers for David Burkhart has he recovers from a procedure to correct a detached retina. David is feeling better but has to limit his movement for the next few days as he heals.
• Prayers for Marilyn Helmke Horsefield (Shirley and Henry Helmke’s daughter) as she recovers from a successful bone marrow transplant at UAB. Marilyn will remain near UAB for the next number weeks until she is healthy enough to return to Auburn. Prayers for healing and rest for Marilyn.
• We rejoice with Jonathan Mitchell and Keri O’Neil as they celebrate their marriage this past week in Peachtree City. Our prayers continue to be with Jonathan and Keri as they move this week to Colorado and settle into a new adventure out west.
Our Jr and Sr High youth will continue to meet via Zoom on Sunday evenings at 5:30, exploring a summer Bible study series from the book
The Barefoot Way.