August 31, 2016   
Assiniboia Chamber of                                      
Chamber Calendar of Events!
September 15
Breakfast Meeting -First 100 days of Government with Hon. Cliff Cullen, Minister Growth Enterprise & Trade - 
Viscount Gort - 7:30am
Register Here

October 13 - Business Succession Webinar with SXNM. Complimentary Registration to first 25 Assiniboia Chamber Members. Register Here

October 20 - Lunch Meeting - From Basement to Boardroom  the rise of BOB FM to International Media giant with founder - Howard Kroeger. Register Here 
Shipping Cost Saving Opportunity!

Does your business ship or receive packages on an ongoing basis, or even infrequently! Your chamber membership provides you with an exclusive offer by UPS, savings of 30% can be achieved. Need to know more contact Richard at the chamber office or register directly through this link.

First Data announces their" Meet or Beat" Promotion!
If First Data cannot meet or beat your current payment processing fees then you earn a $1,000 MasterCard gift card.
Contact Richard at the Chamber Office for your referral.

Your Assiniboia Chamber membership can provide you with business services at reduced costs! for shipping, merchant service & more.
Chamber Notes!

Member Referral Program
Do you know of a business that could benefit from the many offerings and services of the chamber? Submit that business contact to the chamber office for our follow up. When they sign you are eligible for great rewards. Member referral program sponsored by:   
Winnipeg location - 
1838 Portage Avenue.

Marketing & Sponsorship Opportunities
- Minutes for Members is your opportunity to address the attendees at a future member breakfast or lunch to promote your business. For only $75 including event registration you are provided with three minutes of undivided attention including brochures at each place setting. Contact Richard at the chamber for further information. 204-774-4154

First 100 Days of the Pallister Government! - Member Breakfast.

September 15 i s the commencement of our fall/winter member events and we will kick-off with a breakfast meeting at the Viscount Gort Hotel. Guest Speaker is the Hon. Cliff Cullen, Minister of Growth, Enterprise and Trade who will present on the first 100 days of government. A great opportunity to hear first hand from the minister responsible to the business community. 

This is our first breakfast meeting, we have heard from many members that they cannot attend the lunch meetings, we trust this scheduling change helps. 

Members and non-members welcome.
Extended Sunday Shopping Hours 

This is an issue that has come forth once again. We recently asked you in a one question poll whether extending Sunday Shopping hours would benefit your business. Here's what you told us.

19% said Yes there woudl be a benefit, 29% said No, there would not be a benefit and an overwhelming 52% told us it didn't matter, they weren't open now on Sunday. 

So what does this mean, for one thing there is no one solution that will benefit the majority. So the position that we have taken is that the government should remove the barriers that do not allow our business community to make their own decision. 

Let businesses decide what is best for them, whether to extend their hours based on their business profile provide an environment of choice. This has been communicated to the 5 MLA's in the Assiniboia Chamber service territory.    

Business Succession Planning - Free Webinar
Your chamber has partnered with SXNM SuccessionMatching Ltd. to present a complimentary webinar on transitioning your business. 

There are currently more people over the age of 65 than under 15, these baby boomers need to sell their businesses - Do you have a plan? 

Join this webinar on October 13 at 2pm - Complimentary for the first 25 chamber registrants (Value $40). Alison Anderson CEO of SXNM will lead a presentation including;
Market Conditions
Three types of Succession Planning
Timelines & Expectations
Resources available to business owners in Manitoba 

This is an important topic that we don't want you to miss out on - participate in the webinar from the comfort of home or your office. Register HERE.

Webinar brought you by the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce and SXNM.  
Congratulations - Sam Holukoff

Of Osborne South Investments, draw prize winner from the respondents of the Assiniboia Chamber Member Survey.  Thank you all for your responses to assist in guiding the chamber operations. 

Draw prize of One night stay in the newly renovated Romance Suite including breakfast provided by Holiday Inn Airport West.

Fall Event Schedule
Set your calendars for the following monthly events.
Breakfast Meeting  - Sept 15 
Lunch Meeting - October 20
Breakfast Meeting - November 17
Holiday Celebration Lunch - December 15

Registration available on the chamber website - Events

Member Profile -
Assiniboine Dental Group
Assiniboine Dental Group has been a vital part of your community for nearly 50 years. Today, ADG is one of western Canada's largest oral health facilities with 14 dentists and a caring team of hygienists, assistants, technicians, administrators and support staff. Together, we're committed to family-friendly dental services, matching advances in dental technology with time-proven techniques to achieve professional excellence.

As citizens and health care professionals, we appreciate the value of a strong community. To help strengthen our neighborhoods and our shared relationships, ADG's people are involved in a variety of community and professional activities and events.

3278 Portage Avenue
Chamber Member since 1974

Would you like your business profiled in the Chamber Connection? send your request to

Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce | | |
1867 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, R3J 3X7