December 15, 2017   

Chamber Calendar of Events!

Carbon Tax & Climate Change 
Lunch Meeting

January 23, 2018

Aerospace Industry
Breakfast Meeting

March 4, 2018
2nd Annual Curling Funspiel
Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club

Search the Events Calendar for all upcoming events.


As we wrap up the 2017 chamber year and look towards 2018 there are several new initiatives that are underway to better serve you, our members.  Commencing in January we will introduce our Coffee at the Chamber educational  series, short 1 - 2 hours sessions at the new chamber office. Topics will vary and we will kick off with Facebook for Business on January 23, 2018. The best part is that almost all sessions will be a No Charge event.  Schedule

The Business Excellence Awards will return in 2018 and nominations are open to all businesses in our chamber service territory, do nominate a deserving business today.  Nominate

We are undertaking to host our Apres 5 networking & mingle program to provide the opportunity for our members to make new business connections in a casual atmosphere at the end of the workday. Watch for event notices in January.

We are introducing a new membership rate scale that will provide the membership an opportunity to further engage in the chamber and receive additional benefits and value according to your needs. But not to worry, the Business Membership rate remains the same, you as a member can select the additional level of  involvement you prefer. Information will be provided with your Renewal Invoice coming in January 2018.

Our event & marketing committee has been working towards a new Special Event and we believe we have an exciting concept developed. Too early to tell you just what it is exactly however it is intended to celebrate our St. James/Assiniboia heritage. We are looking for key sponsors to kick off this program, contact me at the office if interested.

We are still offering the social activities that we introduced in 2017, the 2nd Annual Curling Funspiel which is set for March 4 and the causal Golf with the Board will take place in June.

Plus, we will provide all the resources, services and events that you value. We continue to advocate on behalf of the business community and count the revision to the planned Tax Reforms as one of our "wins" in cooperation with the provincial and national chamber organizations.

As your chamber, we appreciate your support and look forward to being of continued service and value through 2018. Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions or business needs that we can assist with.

Our best wishes for this holiday season.

Richard Halliday
President & CEO

Nominate a Business 
The Business Excellence Awards 2018 

The Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors & Staff 
wish you a most enjoyable Holiday Season and our very best wishes for a successful and prosperous  2018 

Kick off 2018 with our first event.
Carbon Tax and Climate Change

Thursday January 18, 2018
Best Western Plus (Airport)
1715 Wellington Avenue
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


The federal government is imposing a carbon tax program that will be implemented through the provinces. What is the carbon tax and what is the benefit? Plus, some industries have taken strategic steps to reduce their carbon footprint, what can we learn from them and what have they done?

We are pleased to have the   Hon. Rochelle Squires, Minister for Sustainability  and T e rry Shaw, Executive Director  of the  Manitoba Trucking Association  as our panelists. 
Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce | | |
2061 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, R3J 0K9