August 16, 2016
Assiniboia Chamber of                                      
Chamber Calendar of Events!
September 15
Breakfast Meeting -First 100 days of Government with Hon. Cliff Cullen, Minister Growth Enterprise & Trade - 
Viscount Gort - 7:30am
Register Here

October 13 - Business Succession Webinar with SXNM. Complimentary Registration to first 25 Assiniboia Chamber Members. Register Here

October 20 - Lunch Meeting - From Basement to Boardroom  the rise of BOB FM to International Media giant with founder - Howard Kroeger. Register Here 

Last chance to submit your opinions - Member Survey closes August 21. LINK

Shipping Cost Saving Opportunity!

Does your business ship or receive packages on an ongoing basis, or even infrequently! Your chamber membership provides you with an exclusive offer by UPS, savings of 30% can be achieved. Need to know more contact Richard at the chamber office or register directly through this link.

First Data announces their" Meet or Beat" Promotion!
If First Data cannot meet or beat your current payment processing fees then you earn a $1,000 MasterCard gift card.
Contact Richard at the Chamber Office for your referral.

Your Assiniboia Chamber membership can provide you with business services at reduced costs! for shipping, merchant service & more.
Chamber Notes!

Member Referral Program
- Thank You Chris Daman of Winnipeg Hyundai winner of member referral for the month of July. Chris referred Unicity Sobeys.  

- Do you know of a business that could benefit from the many offerings and services of the chamber? Submit that business contact to the chamber office for our follow up. When they sign you are eligible for great rewards, including complimentary member luncheon registration. 

Marketing & Sponsorship Opportunities
- increase your membership profile for as little as $50 or become a major chamber partner with sponsorship including named events. Contact Richard at the chamber for further information.

First 100 Days of the Pallister Government! - Member Breakfast.

September 15 i s the commencement of our fall/winter member events and we will kick-off with a breakfast meeting at the Viscount Gort Hotel. Guest Speaker is the Hon. Cliff Cullen, Minister of Growth, Enterprise and Trade who will present on the first 100 days of government. A great opportunity to hear first hand from the minister responsible to the business community. 

This is our first breakfast meeting, we have heard from many members that they cannot attend the lunch meetings, we trust this scheduling change helps. 

Members and non-members welcome.
2016-17 Member Directory & Buyers Guide.
It's a wrap, the data has been updated the content edited and the advertisemenst secured. The next step is the printing, collating and distribution of this guide to over 4,000 businesses. 

This will take place at the end of August into early September. If you do not receive your directory give us a call at the office and we will get one to you. 

Thank you to Pegasus Publications for their usual fine work, the editorial committee for their diligence and to you the members for updating your profiles. 

We have also engaged Elaine Kehler and her team at Westwood Vocational to package our directory and information inserts in preparation for postal distribution. 

Business Succession Planning - Free Webinar
Your chamber has partnered with SXNM SuccessionMatching Ltd. to present a complimentary webinar on transitioning your business. 

There are currently more people over the age of 65 than under 15, these baby boomers need to sell their businesses - Do you have a plan? 

Join this webinar on October 13 at 2pm - Complimentary for the first 25 chamber registrants (Value $40). Alison Anderson CEO of SXNM will lead a presentation including;
Market Conditions
Three types of Succession Planning
Timelines & Expectations
Resources available to business owners in Manitoba 

This is an important topic that we don't want you to miss out on - participate in the webinar from the comfort f home or your office. Register HERE.

Webinar brought you by the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce and SXNM.  
Taxation on Family Business Transfers - BILL C-274


In keeping with the theme of Business Succession, Bill C-274 will be put forth in Parliament by MP Guy Caron of Rimouski, QC this fall. 
This is an important discussion given that in today's business environment, many small business, farm and fish operators are  looking to divest themselves of their business to a family member or an unrelated buyer. The following is a snapshot of the information put forth by Mr. Caron.

Current taxation allows for a better disposition by the business owner to a stranger than to a family member, the after tax gain due to capital gain/dividend rules provides a much better return to the business owner.
With a sale to a family member, the net gain is considered a dividend with no exemptions and taxes between 35 - 51%. A sale of the same business to a stranger has the net gain considered as a capital gain with a capital gain exemption of between $824,000 and $1m depending upon the business type and an after exemption tax on only 50% of the adjusted net gain.  
It would seem that this Bill is something that we as your chamber should support however we are interested to hear of your perspective, especially as a small business owner that may or may not need to pass along the family business in the near future. This bill is set to be debated in the fall session of Parliament.
Send your comments to us: or a phone call 204-774-7154


Free Webinar by Canada Revenue Agency - A
utomobile and motor vehicle benefits and allowances

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is pleased to host a free and interactive webinar outlining automobile and motor vehicle benefits and allowances. August 17

The webinar will provide information on:
  • What is personal driving?
  • What is an automobile versus a motor vehicle?
  • How to calculate the taxable benefit?
Register for Webinar

Member Profile -
Aesop's Veterinary Care. 

Holistic Care for Your Dog & Cat
The Holistic Approach or Integrative Medicine considers the whole animal, not just the physical signs. The patient's physical and mental well being as well as diet, exercise, life-style and environmental influences are all important considerations. The aim is to allow the patient's body to heal itself and not just to use drugs to cover up the signs.  Therapies include the medical approaches or modalities of nutrition, supplements, herbal remedies, conventional western medicine, behavior modification and immune system support. 

260 St Anne's Road, 
Chamber Member since 2005

Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce | | |
1867 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, R3J 3X7