QUARTER 1, 2021
Happy New Year from Irving Cares!
What it means to C.A.R.E.
Irving Cares is a pillar in the Irving community, providing services that meet basic needs and elevate thousands of families each year. But have you ever wondered how we got here?

In 1957, in the wake of a dangerous and destructive tornado, a group of concerned citizens came together, in the interest of those in need, and organized what was called Irving Aid. In 1963, Irving Aid was incorporated by the laws of the state of Texas.

Meet Coach Beverly Wilborn
Beverly Wilborn will be celebrating 10 years of employment at Irving Cares in 2021. As an Irving Cares Case Manager and Financial & Career Coach, she helps those in need with emergency assistance, and provides guidance to those who are serious about meeting their career and financial goals.

Beverly earned a Bachelor of Science in Sociology from Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.