Nancy Olson, Secretary
SVR September Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present (4 needed for a quorum)
Rik Larson, Sally Boeck, Nancy Olson and Bob Peake
Introduction of guests
Any Changes or Additions to the Agenda?
∙ Email Business Conducted----- approval of budget for SVR dinner on Sept 28th -- Eduardo ∙
Item #2
1) Old Business
a. DRAFT Minutes from board meeting held on July 6, 2021
b. DRAFT Minutes from board meeting held on August 3, 2021 *email sent out to board
c. Motion for acceptance of July 6, 2021 minutes *Will be approved via email
d. Motion for acceptance of August 3, 2021 minutes *Mike/bob moved to approve minutes
e. Christmas Party ---- Mike Willis---- update; Charity Event (CHiPS for Kids and a PCA subsidy
(check requires 1-2 weeks prior to event). MSR open.
f. SVR 60th Anniversary Event - Kirk Bradford via email “no report until after the first of year”.
g. Sacramento Auto Show participation by SVR? October 15-17, 2021 at Cal Expo
Event cancel by organizer---- COVID
2) Past SVR Event Feedback, Reports filed Waivers, Expenses, etc. PLEASE NOTE that a number of reports for events have not been filed per Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative. We will discuss in more detail at the meeting.
a. SVR AX, July 17th
b. SVR New Member Tour, July 24th *Sally reported that a report was filed
c. SVR Tech Clinic at Detail Mania, July 25th *Sally reported that report was filed
d. SVR Concours, August 1st *No observer report was done
e. SVR Breakfast, August 7th *No report needed
f. SVR New Member Tour, August 21st Sally reported that a report was filed. 60 attendees
g. SVR Gold Rush Tour, September 4th----- cancelled due to fires and closed roads
3) FACEBOOK Status
a. Rik has not forwarded a letter to FACEBOOK yet. Rik and John still need to get together
4) Future Board Meetings to continue via ZOOM
a. Possible in person meetings beginning January 2022 at Firehouse #32 in Fair Oaks *Cookie will continue to be the liaison for the club.
5) New Business
a. Budget for Long Creek Wine Tour, October 2nd----- Bulhoes (see attached) Millage fees will be absorbed - loss Mike/Sally moved Approved. *Rik will touch basis with Ernie concerning MSR
b. Budget for Caffeine and Porsches, October 31st----- Jerry Alter (see attached) *Coffee will be provided and it may not be necessary to provide donuts. Participants will bring candy for children attending. Collin will encourage employees of Fats to bring their children. MSR has been created by Collin. Mike/Sally approved
c. New phone number for Jerry Alter ----- 530.919.1558----- will be updated in the Drifter
6) Upcoming Events and who is attending?
a. SVR AX, September 18th *up to 36 registration and insurance has been ordered
b. SVR Dinner, September 28th at Wok n' Bowl *No report - Rik will follow up with Eduardo
c. SVR Breakfast, October 2nd *starting at Porsche Rocklin
d. SVR Long Creek Wine Tour, October 2nd
7) Board Reports
a. President (see attachment) *Rik reviewed the report. *Rik addressed locations of various items not located in storage. Rik encourages members to consider storing these items in the storage unit so all paraphernalia is housed in one location.
b. Vice President *order insurance for upcoming events and events needed to be added to the calendar. She will contact Eduardo for the New Member events report and will contact Ernie Bulhoes concerning his upcoming event report requirements.
c. Secretary
i. MSR experiences - commission on event fees 5%/$5 waiver ii Region will cover event fee
d. Treasurer (see attached) *Bob reviewed report
i. Quarterly rebate received
ii. DROPBOX * Gregg Plourde received an annual renewal and has requested that the Board pay invoice. Bob Peake will oversee this transition from DROPBOX to LOCKBOX.
e. Membership Director (see attached)
f. Social Director *No report
g. Past President *No report
8) Chair Reports
a. Safety
i. AX is handled by Greg Zajic
ii. Other events are handled by Rik Larson until we get a Safety Chair
b. Autocross *Bob Peake reported on recent Autocross
c. Charity (Charity auction to be handled by Dick MacFarlane in 2022 *Chips for Kids will be our next charity event.
d. Concours *Al Price reported on Monterey Concours
e. CRAB 38 *John Lanting reported on event
i. For CRAB 38 registration software, should we use MSR or Constant Contact? Suggested that John contact Richard Walker concerning Constant Contact registration.
ii. Need volunteers for 9 positions - 3 volunteers from New Member Events. Need the following: Vendor Chair (experience necessary), Volunteer Chair and Registration Chair.
iii. Date in May 2022 selected for holding space at CAM - May 13-15, 2022 has been secured.
f. DRIFTER Editor - reviewed advertisers and when is the best time to send out invoices.
g. Event Liaison to Porsche Rocklin *No report (Kim out of town)
h. New Member Group
i. Rally * Received inquiry from Redwood Region regarding co-sponsoring a TSD Rally in 2022 - will be discussed in more details later.
j. Share the Wealth *was not noted in this month’s Drifter.
k. Technical Chair
l. Webmaster -- still looking for a volunteer
9) Next Meeting
a. Tuesday, October 5 location ZOOM
10) Adjournment 8:49pm
a) Volunteers, filling of vacant positions (chairs)
b) Transition of items from 2020 SVR Board and Chairs; location of boxes, assets, etc.
c) 2021 Calendar (SVR, Zone 7, PCA)
d) CRAB 38
e) 60th SVR Anniversary---- September 24, 2022