FCC News
January 2021
Thank you!
The COVID-19 virus posed new challenges in helping families who experience the impacts of domestic violence celebrate the holidays, but FCC's supporters met the challenge. We hope you enjoy reading about the impact your support and donations had for many families and we wish you a healthy and safe 2021!
FCC wants to you to know that it is possible to get help early in the process to change the course of partner abuse or aggression that is happening at home – and to remind you that children are watching.

Children's Program Highlights

Kim Fleury, Director of FCC's Chidlren's Program, continues to find creative ways to support the families with children who live in the Emergency Shelter. During December they participated in Wintery Crafts and GingerBread House decorating. Thank you to the Dundalk Lions Club for the Gingerbread House kits!