Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Legislation at USF that Enhances Treatment Options for Veterans Suffering from PTSD
A long-time effort at USF to strengthen alternative treatment options for veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injuries has gained additional support from the Florida Legislature and Governor Ron DeSantis.

On June 26th, Governor DeSantis signed legislation (HB 501) at the USF Office for Veteran Success, instructing the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs to partner with USF in managing the contracts of licensed providers who offer unique treatments, such as Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). 

In addition to signing HB 501, Governor DeSantis also signed HB 427, which designates the Honor & Remember flag as a state emblem. HB 427 was sponsored by Representative Tommy Gregory (R-District 73) who was also in attendance at the bill signing and is a Veteran of the U.S. Air Force. This past legislative session Rep. Gregory filed all of USFSM's funding requests and has been a strong Bulls Advocate. USF Alumus, Senator Joe Gruters sponsored the Honor and Remember Flag bill in the Senate.
Governor DeSantis (center) visited USF Office of Veteran Success on June 26th to sign a bill that provides USF with funding to support alternative treatment for veterans.
Governor DeSantis (left) meets with the Executive Director of the Florida Dept. of Veterans' Affairs and USF Alum, Danny Burgess (right).
Bulls Advocates welcomes President Steve C. Currall
On July 1st, Dr. Steven C. Currall became USF's 7th President. Currall says one of his first priorities will be to embark on a listening tour across each USF campus to hear ideas and identify strategic opportunities. He announced the tour in a welcome message sent to all USF students, faculty, staff and alumni on his first day, expressing optimism for the university’s future. 

President Currall’s letter to the university community highlighted his goal for USF to continue its focus on positioning for membership in the Association of American Universities (AAU), an elite group of the top 62 institutions in North America.
President Steve Currall tours USF campuses during his first week.
Speaker-designate Chris Sprowls Receives USF's Outstanding Young Alumni Award
Congratulations to State Representative Chris Sprowls on receiving the 2019 USF Outstanding Young Alumni Award.

Representative Sprowls represents District 65 in the Florida House of Representatives, which includes the northwestern portion of Pinellas County. He was first elected to the House in 2014 and was reelected in 2016 and 2018. Rep. Sprowls graduated from USF in 2006 with a degree in Political Science.

Rep. Sprowls has been a longtime advocate for the USF System and this past legislative session helped secure new funding to complete the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine and Heart Institute and for USF St. Petersburg.
Rep. Chris Sprowls (right) and USF Alumni Association Chair, Merritt Martin (left) at the USF Outstanding Young Alumni Award Reception.
Congresswomen Kathy Castor visits the USF Center for Urban Transportation Research to discuss Department of Transportation Grant
On July 2nd, Congresswomen Kathy Castor visited USF's Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) where she met with students and researchers to help celebrate CUTR being awarded $7.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and discuss their top transit concerns.

Rep. Castor has been a strong proponent of USF's proposal to build the National Institute for Congestion Reduction (NICR) at CUTR, the first USDOT center focused on reducing traffic in the nation. Congresswomen Castor led a delegation letter of support for the grant application and was joined by Congressman Gus Bilirakis, Congressman Vern Buchanan, Congressman Charlie Christ, Congressman Ross Spano, and Congressman Daniel Webster. Senator Marco Rubio also sent a letter of support.
During her visit Congresswomen Kathy Castor (right) said she thinks research done at CUTR is one of USF's best kept secrets saying "folks don't know that some of the best research in transportation and mobility is happening right here at USF."
USF St. Petersburg partners with Florida Department of Corrections on Prison Education Program aimed to Reduce Recidivism and Improve Job Prospects
USF St. Petersburg’s College of Education partnered with the Florida Department of Corrections on a visionary program aimed at increasing literacy rates in local prisons.

Over the course of six weeks, faculty members and alumni offered literacy training to 48 inmates at the Polk Correctional Institute. Supported by State Senator Jeff Brandes (R-District 24), the program taught students reading, writing and vocabulary skills geared towards reducing recidivism by improving literacy and future job prospects.
Supported by State Senator Jeff Brandes (above), USFSP faculty and alumni taught students reading, writing and vocabulary skills geared towards reducing recidivism by improving literacy and future job prospects.
Dr. Judy Genshaft Honored in Washington D.C. during her Last Week as USF System President
During her last week as USF System President, Dr. Judy Genshaft traveled to Washington D.C. where Congressman Gus Bilirakis honored her on the House Floor and thanked her for her tremendous leadership over the last 19 years. 
You can watch the video of Dr. Genshaft being honored here .

President Genshaft also had an opportunity to meet with Congressional leaders from the Tampa Bay delegation and the U.S. Senate where they discussed Dr. Genshaft's impressive tenure, USF's unparalleled climb in the national rankings and emphasized our tremendous research portfolio.
Congressman Gus Bilirakis (right) honored President Judy Genshaft (left) on the House Floor and thanked her for her 19 year tenure as USF System President.