
As the unavoidable second wave is coming, I have an important update in our efforts to assist our customers during the continued pandemic.

Back in March, as we first began to adjust to travel restrictions, I announced that we would offer first-time customers the same option that our repeat customers receive - the ability to have SmartMelter® equipment shipped to their plant to collect radar data by their own personnel with remote guidance.

Since then, customers have used this option successfully in Egypt, Turkey, Germany and Australia, with others on the schedule.

The glass industry continues to be impacted greatly, and our customers are operating with limited staff and have limited time on site each day to work with equipment. Customers can feel pressure to complete the data collection before the equipment lease is up.

Therefore, I have decided to temporarily offer free equipment leases to customers who cannot bring a technician on site due to travel restrictions or company guidelines.

Click here to learn more about this program, which begins in October.

Our company is committed to helping glass manufacturers get through these difficult times safely.


Yakup Bayram