
I hope you are safe and well. The Children’s Hunger Project is in full swing getting ready for Back to School. I wanted to take a few moments to update you and share TCHP's impact amid the Covid-19 pandemic. We will also need help going forward to continue our mission, and I’ve got a few ideas that I want to share with you.
Cheryl Cominsky, Executive Director
Since accepting the position of The Children’s Hunger Project Executive Director in April, I’ve been amazed and thankful for the consistent support. Fundraisers, volunteers stepping up to get the job done, and strong ties in the community have been invaluable during this time of constant change. You are aware that children go hungry right here in Brevard, and you have worked to help us end child hunger on weekends and during the summer.

As executive director my background in operations, communications, sales management and volunteerism has been fundamental in successfully furthering TCHP's mission. I started out with this organization as a volunteer more than five years ago, and exchanged the TCHP Volunteer 'hat' to become Community Outreach Coordinator, deepening and building on our relationships in the community. As we look forward to expanding events, coordinating and motivating teams of volunteers and implementing creative fundraising, it is my greatest joy to continue keeping the faces of Brevard's children smiling when they get their weekend food packages.

In December, TCHP will hit a milestone as we celebrate our 10th anniversary! Since our beginning with just one school and a handful of students, TCHP has grown each year and never missed one week of feeding hungry children during the school year.

From the onset of the pandemic, our needs increased overnight and changed weekly. TCHP was faced with providing support to nearly double the number of children, while implementing physical distancing and procedures to keep our packing and delivery teams safe. Because of the increased need for our services, we focused efforts on raising funds to meet those demands. Thanks to supporters like you, we met the goals that enabled us to provide weekend nutrition for those 18 and younger.
We are tremendously appreciative of your support, and we sincerely thank you. We’ll continue to provide you with updates on how your funding, volunteering, and spreading awareness are keeping us strong and actively serving Brevard’s most vulnerable children.
 April/May (End of School Year- While students were Distance Learning)

o  56,000 food packages were distributed at Brevard Public Schools sites and other locations
o  More than 3,500 volunteer hours were logged as we went to near-daily small packing events, as well as weekly on-site delivery/distribution)
o  Over 1,100 volunteers participated during this time
June/July/August (Summer Months)

o  800+ food packages (and books) were distributed weekly to summer camp sites in partnership with United Way of Brevard's Feed and Read program
o  More than 16,000 food packages were served at BPS sites in June
o  Over 14,000 food packages were served at BPS sites in July
o  2,000 volunteer hours were logged during June and July
o  800 volunteers participated throughout June and July
o  We are continuing through August till school starts
The pandemic brought many changes into our daily lives, and our TCHP team remains committed to providing weekly meals for children regardless of changing circumstances.
Future Support

The new school year is upon us, and it is expected that we will see an increased need as many more families struggle to make ends meet. We continue to seek donations, volunteers, and opportunities to share the TCHP mission and story, as we serve our children who are headed back to school. Our goal is to raise $40,000 per month.
In case you’re wondering how you can help, here are some ideas

  •      Invite us to your live or virtual meeting to raise awareness of our mission and story

  •      Get a small packing group together to help complete a packing event (typically up to 15 volunteers).

  •     Make a monthly or one-time monetary donation here

  •     Have a food drive. A list of food items needed can be found here

  •   Follow us on Facebook to learn more about ways to give. We post all needs on Facebook as they arise, such as food donations, financial needs, and packing opportunities. This month we will be doing our “Back-to-School Ready” campaign, so be on the lookout for more information!
Together we will feed OUR children! Thank you again for your steadfast support of our mission. 
For those who can make a significant contribution, consider joining the Children’s Circle of Hope Society - this society is open to anyone contributing $1,000 or more annually. Contributions can be set up on a recurring basis of $84 per month.
Please consider including The Children's Hunger Project in your beneficiary and estate plans. Consult an attorney for details, and leave a lasting legacy of fighting childhood hunger in our community!
If you have already made a contribution to help feed local children, through simply sharing this email with friends, family and co-workers your impact can be even greater!

Thank you for caring and sharing. You give hungry children in Brevard hope!

The Children's Hunger Project is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable organization.         
TCHP has consistently provided weekend meals for school children in Brevard County since 2010.

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