Oct. 16, 2020
Women in Politics Feminist Friday
THIS FRIDAY, October 16, 2020, Noon
The KSU Women's Center WIP Feminist Friday facilitator on Friday, Oct. 16, is Kayla Griffin Esq., MPA. Kayla is the Ohio State Director of All Voting is Local (https://allvotingislocal.org/). In communities nationwide, officials use bureaucracy to erect barriers to the ballot. All Voting is Local’s fight to remove those obstacles has secured victories and called out unfair practices in an effort to achieve voting that is free, fair and accessible to all. Click here to sign up for the virtual event.
News about upcoming virtual LWVK meetings
Nov. 17, Monthly All Member Monthly Zoom
Dec. 5 Holiday Meeting
NOV 17 | AMM
Just a quick note that the topic of the Nov. 10 All Member Zoom will be all about the Portage Parks! Details to follow. We'll be sharing the zoom link that you see below again.
Topic: LWVK All Member Monthly
Time: Nov. 17, 2020
6:00 PM for New Member Orientation
7:00 PM for All Member Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 7555 3346
Passcode: 535614
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,81575553346#,,,,,,0#,,535614# US (New York)
+13017158592,,81575553346#,,,,,,0#,,535614# US (Germantown)
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 815 7555 3346
Passcode: 535614
Attention, new members!
New Member Orientation at 6 p.m. before All Member Monthly!
Join Membership Chair Sherry Rose for all you need to know about getting the most out of your LWV Kent membership. She also will answer any questions you may have. To join the New Member Orientation (followed immediately by the AMM at the same Zoom location), see the zoom link above.
Important information about our December Holiday Brunch! Can you help?
Mark your calendars for our Saturday, December 5 meeting, which would normally
be our holiday brunch. More information to come about the food part. Right now we are asking all members to help us with the program.
In this Covid era, we should be looking at what we can do to support community services and local businesses, particularly during the holidays. So, we are appealing to you to help us organize the meeting around ways we can be involved. Specifically, if you have connections with any community agencies or Chambers of Commerce, we would like to know.
As a community, we want to remember those who are struggling during this terrible pandemic and find ways to reach out. Please contact any of us directly and we will use you and your connections to help organize and energize our December holiday brunch via zoom. Thank you!
Education Committee zooms Nov. 4, new members welcome
The LWV Kent Education Committee is set to meet virtually on Nov. 4, 6 p.m., facilitated by Chair Deborah Austin Sanders. She invites current and new members to join the Zoom meeting which will include a discussion with Kent City School Superintendent George Joseph.
New committee members would be especially welcome as the group begins work to organize a community forum for January 2021. Other topics of interest that the committee will be exploring include school efforts to control the spread of Covid-19, an upcoming bond issue and the issue of faculty/staff carrying firearms in school buildings. To attend the meeting, email Deborah at daustin21@icloud.com.
Making our mark in the community this election season!
We know that many of you are out there helping voters...answering questions from callers, working at the Board of Elections, squashing voting disinformation, dropping off Voters' Guides.
The Voters' Guide Committee not only produced the guide, they actively distributed it in the last several weeks. 312 copies were mailed/delivered to senior living facility residents in Portage County. We appreciate their dedication. Thanks, Nena Hankins and Barb Hipsman!
The Voter Service Committee is busy with two projects: manning the new Voter Information Line and sending voting tips to churches. Keep those cell phone charged--Stacy Yaniglos, Carla Migal Wycoff, Ann Ward, Joanne Dowdy, Susan Lanning, Jill Hazelton, Debbie Barber, Jane Preston Rose, Jen Kinney, Anne Reid, Mary Myers and Barb Hipsman Springer.
We've also been working to increase community awareness for VOTE411, the call line and Judicial Votes Count through advertising online at The Weekly Villager, Kentwired, The Portager and the Record-Courier. And our Facebook page for LWV Kent.
Here is a downloadable version of the LWVK Voters' Guide. Click here. Think about sharing it with family and friends via email!
Community members will be able to find the same downloadable pdf version of the Voters' Guide at the Kent League website and at the libraries. The Record-Courier will be publishing the Voters' Guide in a print edition some time before the election. The information is also online at vote411.org, organized for online access.
Welcome, new LWV Kent members!
Welcoming Elizabeth L. Buchanan and Madison Hornikel to the League of Women Voters of Kent!
Missed the Real Talk sessions? Your access here
Did you miss the two Real Talk Session on Voting basics and barriers in Ohio? Here are the links to:
Access and Barriers to Voting: Where is Ohio Now?
Access and Barriers to Voting: Where is Ohio Now?
The Long Road to Access: Are We there Yet?
Cleveland City Club hosts virtual forum on ranked
choice voting, Oct. 21
Two of America’s most recent presidents won the election, but lost the popular vote. When over 50 percent of U.S. voters oppose a candidate − yet these candidates can still win public office − it is no surprise that the nature of American voting is being called into question.
In Maine, nine of the eleven gubernatorial elections between 1994 and 2014 were won with less than 50 percent of votes. That is, until Maine became the first state to implement ranked-choice voting (RCV) for statewide elections for Governor, state legislature, and Congress. They will also be the first state to implement RCV in the upcoming federal election.
RCV allows voters to rank their choices among as many of the candidates as they want, and no candidate is declared the winner until someone receives more than 50 percent of the votes.
Supporters of RCV believe the system provides more choices for voters; ensures that winners represent the will of the majority; and discourages negative campaigning. Critics point to the difficulty, confusion, and expense that would result from instituting a new national voting system, especially one that has been minimally tested.
As Americans brace for what is forecasted to be a contentious national election, what if there was another way to vote? Join us as we explore RCV with a panel of national experts.
The livestream will be available beginning at 12 p.m. Click here to sign up for a notification. Have questions? Tweet them at @TheCityClub or send a text to 330.541.5794.
Herb Asher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, The Ohio State University
Khalid Pitts, Political and Public Relations Strategist, FairVote
Amelia Powers Gardner, Clerk/Auditor, Utah County Government
Tom Sutton, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Director, Baldwin Wallace University
Help us get the word out...we know you have ways...
LWV Kent has these great voter services. We need your help to share our work with the community. We've provided a few ways to make that happen. You might have a few ingenious ways of your own to help us be out there front and center. Please share what you've been up to with voter service! Send a photo and we'll put it in the next VOTER. lwvkent@gmail.com
Download the info line image here and it should open in your browser. Right click on the image and click on "save image as" to save to a file or leave in your downloaded files. Then post on your social media or use for a flyer.
Download the vote411 image here and it should open in your browser. Right click on the image and click on "save image as" to save to a file or leave in your downloaded files. Then post on your social media or use for a flyer.
Who is the LWV U.S. Climate Team? Ready to join?
The League of Women Voters declared climate change a key priority in our 2020-2022 program. Since then Leaguers have formed the LWV U.S. Climate Team – a group of League members from across the United States working together to fight climate change. All League members are welcome.
Together they are informing each other, sharing strategies, forming nationwide teams on climate issues where there is interest, and analyzing federal legislation for maximum impact.
You Can Engage at Many Levels
You can become a leader, be a member of a smaller team focusing on one issue, be part of a Google Group to hear what folks are thinking, and many levels in between.
Members share information on significant actions and activities in emails, Zoom calls, and webinars, but those will be only occasional. For a more frequent flow of information, become a member of the Google Group, where members share information on what folks are thinking and more transient information such as articles, news and opinions. Work will be guided by the latest science regarding best practices and most effective strategies for addressing climate change.
To join the Google Group click the link here and then click “Join Group.”
Where We Are Now
The team currently has the following teams at different stages of development. The types of teams can be divided into core teams, and issue teams.
Core Teams
- LWV U.S. Climate Steering Team
- Federal Legislation, Regulations, and Policy
- Social Media
Issue Teams
- Price on Carbon
- Food, Soils, and Agriculture
- Wildfires
- Electrification of Buildings
- *Climate Justice
- *Municipal Climate Action Plans
*Team is just being formed
If you are interested in forming or joining a team, fill out your interest in the form here.
Need more information? Learn more on team structure, expectations, and possible work products in the attachment to this email or go to the link here.
The Life and Work of Mary Burnett Talbert, a video presentation
Historian and Associate Professor, Lillian S. Williams, University of Buffalo, will speak on Mary Burnett Talbert, an African-American suffragist, and early 20th Century reformer. Talbert was President of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs and led the NAACP's anti-lynching campaign.
VOTE411.org is your ‘one-stop-shop’ for election-related information
Where is my polling location? How do I vote absentee? When does early voting start? How do I register to vote? Is it too late to register to vote in November? Where can I find factual and unbiased information about the candidates and issues on the ballot this year?
If you’re puzzled about these and other election-related questions, VOTE411.org has the answers—all in one place. Launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund in October of 2006, VOTE411.org provides nonpartisan information to the public with both general and state-specific information on the following aspects of the election process: absentee ballot information; ballot measure information (where applicable); early voting options (where applicable); election dates; factual data on candidates in various federal, state and local races; general information on topics such as how to watch debates with a critical eye; ID requirements; polling place locations; registration deadlines; voter qualifications; voter registration forms; and voting machines.
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