"Fog and the Julien Dubuque"
photo by Casey Klein
Dear Friends of the Arts,
A month ago, we thought this pandemic was almost in the rear-view window, but sadly, we were wrong. For the moment, the Center is focusing on creating art that can be outdoors, where it is safe, and distancing is easy. Songwriters Showcases have been magical on the grounds of the new Center, and we will perform there again this month.
As a major improvement to our outdoor venue, we will have stage platforming for the artists starting with the September showcase. The movable platforms, unused for decades, were donated to the Center, and are being refurbished with the help of Mark Haman and Dave Bronson.
Mid-September, scarecrows will start to pop up all over town. Should we change the name of the event to “Art that Safely Stands Out in its Field?” Maybe you’d like one at your house or business? Get your artistic juices flowing, grab some old clothes that are ready for the rag bin, and be creative! It’s a perfect opportunity to get the whole family involved.
Be sure to check out our new virtual art exhibit “The Stuff of Dreams.” We are so happy to bring the work of these artists to you!
Mark Haman, repairing outdoor performance platforms.
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Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Progress Report for August
This month the focus has been on getting the plumbing and electric lines run, before we close up the walls. Lots of progress, although it may be harder to see.
Scott Edmonds, installing the first piece of 4 x 12 drywall.
Ellyse Winter, of Kloss-Winter Electric, working on
wiring in the ceiling.
Montgomery Timmerman crew putting up walls!
Virtual Exhibit
The Stuff of Dreams
Dreams do come true. While we are dreaming of a new theater and physical gallery, our regional artists keep making art, and want to share it with you in this flip book. They reveal their dreams, hopes for the future, scary nightmares, and fantasies in the pages of this catalog. Many disciplines are represented: photographs, paintings, lithographs, drawings, sculptures, wearable art, digital illustration, and poetry.
Thirty-four artists from our Tri-State area are sharing their talents in this virtual exhibit. We are proud to promote their work for you to enjoy. Many of the pieces are for sale. Please contact Patricia, the Gallery Manager, if you are interested in purchasing artwork, and we will connect you with the artist.
And enjoy all of our past virtual books at:
To accompany this exhibit, Bob Rivoire has again compiled a beautiful collage of photographs. Dreams for the future, dreams of the past, dreams of travel, and dreaming of the wonders of nature, set to peaceful music. A beautiful collection to enjoy.
Click on image below to enjoy the "stuffofdreams."
Thursday, September 16, 6:30pm
Ben Dunegan
The third Thursday of each month is special for area music lovers. Our monthly Songwriters Showcase is now live and in-person and best of all, outdoors! Come join us as we pull up our chairs on the grounds of our new building at 971 Gear Street. We have been fortunate to enjoy some beautiful evenings for music this summer, and look forward to this month’s featured artist, Ben Dunegan.
An Iowa native and Dubuque resident, Ben finds inspiration from the city he now calls home. His musical influences include Neil Young, Bruce Springsteen and Wilco. His debut album, “Fallow Field” was released in 2016.
Come join us as we listen to Ben’s songs of heartbreak and redemption. The music will start at 6:30pm. Last month, several folks brought their own picnics to enjoy. Dinner and music! Sounds about right for a September evening.
If you would like to listen to Ben, click the link above.
Art that Stands Out in Its Field
It’s that time again to start making scarecrows to celebrate the autumn season. Find some worn out clothes to dress a frame to be displayed on the grounds at the Center or anywhere around Galena. Bring your creations before September 18th (Email Patricia to arrange a time for delivery)
Henri Gotacello by Mary Weck and Paul Chase
at Big Bill’s Sandwich Shop
and we will install them next to the Center on Gear Street and in downtown Galena. Or you can put them in your own front yard or business. They will remain up through Halloween.
There will be no security for them, and we are not responsible for any vandalism or theft. Use whatever materials you prefer, with the knowledge that they will be displayed outdoors for several weeks. We expect a height range of 5–7 feet. The scarecrows will be reviewed for appropriateness and should one be found to be offensive, controversial, or political, the creator will be asked to either change its message or remove the display.
This could be a great family or friends project, and all ages are welcome to participate. Please let us know if you would like to join in the fun of promoting Galena Center for the Arts with a scarecrow in Galena. If you have questions, or to just get more information, Email Patricia.
With the physical gallery still shuttered, and construction in our new site, we thought you might want to see what our regional artists are up to.
Barbara Baird’s winter studio is in the great outdoors of Texas. This image was made at Big Bend National Park in the southwestern part of the state. The site is called Lost Mine Trail, featuring a 4.8 mile hike (round trip) up to Lost Mine Peak, elevation 7,550 feet. She took an online photography class called Louis Kemper’s Master Class from January through April 2021, with critiques accomplished with Zoom sessions every two weeks.
Barbara spends the rest of the year in rural Galena, shooting outdoors in our lovely, but different landscape. The best of both worlds!
We had hoped that we could re-start our community choruses, the Summit Street Singers and the Fevre River Voices, in September, but with the resurgence of COVID, the idea of many people singing together in an enclosed space seems dangerous. I hope everyone is finding ways to sing at home, and we look forward to singing together again, when it is safe.
Our small LoveNotes group delivered their first singing telegram of love songs to celebrate the 72nd wedding anniversary of Pat and Joe Terry. LoveNotes rehearses outdoors, and performs outdoors as well. Contact Carole if you’d like to remember someone’s birthday or special day with music.
acrylic painting of
Nikolaus Miesing,
stone sculptor
September 6 to
October 2, 2021
Paul Chase will be having a one-man show, “PortraitVisions,” at the Harry and Laura Norh Gallery at the University of Wisconsin, Platteville. The exhibit is comprised of large format portraits of fellow artists as well as stone carvings inspired by the human form.
The opening reception is September 7, 5:00-7:00 PM. For more information go to www.paulchase.com.
A very special Songwriters Showcase
An Evening with Jim Post, Songwriter and Storyteller. Co-sponsored by the City of Galena, at historic Turner Hall.
Recent Events
at the Center
Enthusiastic student actors and their instructor, Cindy Tegtmeyer, posed after their performances on the last day of Acting Camp. Nine area 12-15 year olds completed the five-day intensive acting class. We plan to have a much expanded series of theatre activities for young people next summer.
Pictured are, from left: Olivia Mickelson, Liliana Asta, Tessa Gempler, Dan Barac, Emma Blaum, Luna Pham, Cael Ozee, instructor Cindy Tegtmeyer, and Macklan Murphy. Not pictured is Ruby Dickerson.
We were delighted to have sixteen songwriters entertain us at the “Open Mic” Showcase on July 19, including a few who were new to the showcase. Another beautiful musical summer evening, with a relaxed audience. Some audience members even brought picnic dinners to enjoy with the music.
Here are photos of just a few…
Top, l-r: Danny Parker, Pearl Olson, Mark Edmonds
photos by Don Greenwood
Middle, l-r: Don Greenwood, Sarah Lentini photos by Jan Lavacek
Will Mueller photo by Don Greenwood
Bottom, l-r: Pearl Olson, Fred Hollingsworth, L A Suess,
Lenny Wayne, and Scott Rische
photo by Don Greenwood
The weather was absolutely perfect, and 130 people shared in the beauty of Linmar Gardens at our Garden Party Fundraiser. Many thanks to Hal Martin and Bob Burton for making this possible, and for all the people who volunteered in every way to make it a success.
photos by Cindy Tegtmeyer
Lovely weather to socialize
Even inspiring, decorated rocks, painted by Renee Dowe
Corporate Spotlight for September
We are very appreciative of the many businesses who have become Corporate Members of the Center, and will be featuring them monthly in our newsletter as a way of letting everyone know the many ways they reach out to help their community.
GT Mobility Accessing Individual & Organizational Potential
One of our very first Charter Corporate Members, GT Mobility, was formed by Don Gereau and Dr. Matt Taylor, to assist organizations in achieving their mission. GT Mobility has created opportunities to assist and support a diverse array of Nonprofits across the country. GT Mobility’s work covers Strategic Planning, NPO Succession Planning, NPO Executive Compensation Process, Surveys and Ongoing Support. They have remained constant supporters of the Center, and we appreciate their interest and advice.
All River Road Talent hosts a monthly art drive the first weekend of each month. All River Road Talent is a synergy of artists building a cultural and visitor awareness of artistic talent in the Galena region of Northwest Illinois. The next ARRT tour is September 3 - 5.
- Lee Adami
- Jim Baranski
- Joe Berning
- Deb Bertucci
- David Bronson
- Bob Burton
- Stephanie Bussan
- Matt Carroll
- City of Galena
- John Cox
- Robyn Davis
- Marcus DeJesus
- Mark Edmonds
- Janet Eggleston
- Elite Plumbing
- Cathie Elsbree
- Katherine Georgeson
- Don Greenwood
- Mark Haman
- Fred Hollingsworth
- Deb Hyland
- Illinois Bank & Trust
- Ron Jenkins
- Al and Sue Jirkovsky
- Janelle Kieffer
- Kloss-Winter Electric
- Tammy Lee
- Sara Lentini
- Linmar Gardens
- Susan Lipnick
- Lord of Love Lutheran Church
- Carol and Jim Mantey
- Hal Martin
- Joe Mattingley
- Nancy McMenamin
- Montgomery/Timmerman Construction
- Will Mueller
- Pam Ohms
- Pearl Olson
- Danny Parker
- Kent Parry
- Piggly Wiggly
- Scott Rische
- LA Suess
- Cindy Tegtmeyer
- Irene Thraen-Borowski
- Casey Walters
- Dennis Waltman
- Connie Warnsing
- Lenny Wayne
- Tim Wedeward
- Christa Wilhelm
- Ted Williams
- Bill Wubben
- Ginni Yarbrough
- Sue Young
Please email Carole if you want to donate some copier paper.
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We invite you to show your support for the Center when shopping on Amazon. We are now established as a charitable organization for contributions via the AmazonSmile Foundation. The Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us whenever you designate the Center as the charitable organization of your choice.
Here’s how to support the Center:
Visit smile.amazon.com (you need to follow this step each time you designate donations).
- Log in with your regular Amazon account information.
- Select “Galena Center For The Arts Inc” as your charitable organization choice.
- Begin shopping.
Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate your thinking of us when shopping with Amazon!
Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts
971A Gear Street, Galena, Illinois 61036
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
This program is partially supported by a grant
from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
This program is funded in part by a
Shuttered Venue Operators Grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
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Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman