Sustainable Lawrence 
Commitment  to Equality
Sustainability means using our natural resources to meet our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.  Achieving sustainability means advancing the interconnected environmental, economic and equity goals.  We cannot have sustainable development unless and until we have social justice, environmental justice and climate justice.  Global climate change and environmental pollution disproportionally impacts environmental justice communities.  We have started to make progress.  Despite these initial efforts we need to do more in environmental justice communities.  

We stand together with George Floyd's family in their call for change. It is past time we stand for justice for all.  We all need to be part of the change for a more equitable future.

Sustainable Lawrence and other environmental groups across New Jersey need to re-commit ourselves to advance equity in all our actions and to be more inclusive.  We are listening and hear your call for actions for change to help make Lawrence a more sustainable community. This starts with supporting Black Solidarity Day this Sunday June 7, 2020. This peaceful, youth-led march will begin at 3pm at Lawrence High School. 

Please practice social distancing, kindness, and respect as we support our community together.