Good evening,

We hope this finds you healthy, happy and with full tee sheets as we approach another weekend of the golf season.

More Great News for Golf Announced Today

Alberta has announced that Stage 1 of the province’s Relaunch Strategy begins tomorrow (May 14) which now permits the re-opening of pro shops and restaurants for golf with the exception of the cities of Calgary and Brooks which are not permitted to reopen restaurants until May 25. To clarify, pro shops in the cities of Calgary and Brooks are permitted to open tomorrow, however restaurants in these two cities must remain closed until May 25.

It is important to note that there are extensive new protocols to follow under Stage 1 of Alberta’s Relaunch Plan including for both restaurant and retail operations. Click on the links below to access these protocols:

We are already hearing from many golf courses with specific questions related to the above protocols. It is important to note that NAGA-AB is in no way responsible for administering these rules and that any questions pertaining to specifics should be addressed to with subject Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy. Additional resources for clarification are also available on Alberta Biz Connect.
Industry-Wide Q&As
Below are several of the larger industry wide questions we are receiving as well as answers as we understand them at this point:
Can you sit with friends in the restaurant? YES, WITH RULES
It is not clear from the protocols whether people dining at the same table must maintain physical distancing. However, it is our understanding that during the May 12th press conference with Dr. Hinshaw that she suggested people of the same household could dine together without restrictions; but others must maintain physical distancing protocols of 2 metres. We suggest you clarify this with your local AHS representative to be certain.

Can you arrive at the course more than 15 minutes before your tee time?   
The initial protocol said you can’t arrive until fifteen minutes before your tee time, however if you are planning to visit for retail (pro-shop) or the restaurant, you can arrive early so long as social distancing rules are followed. IE. If you want to grab a sleeve of balls or a hot dog before your round, respect the rules and follow AHS protocol.
Can two people share a power cart if they do not live together? NO
The protocol states that you can only share a cart if you have the same address on your drivers’ licenses.

Can the beverage cart operate? YES  
NAGA-AB is requesting further clarification on beverage carts and concession services however, it is our interpretation that the beverage cart is delivery and the cart operators must adhere to all the AHS protocols. Under no circumstances can a golfer touch the product or get their own drink. Only the cart operator can touch the products and all AHS protocols must be followed. 

Can Golf Professionals conduct lessons? YES
It is our interpretation that golf professionals are allowed to teach and provide other services as long as proper social distancing rules are applied. 
The bottom line is be smart and safe; common sense goes a long way. It is also important to note that: You do not have to open these services, do so only if you are ready.

The rules are different, but the game is the same. And to those in Calgary and Brooks, we look forward to May 25 when you will be able to reopen restaurants.
We will continue to keep you informed by sending out any new information as it becomes available.

Robert Rousselle
Executive Director, PGA of Alberta
President - NAGA Alberta
Erica Beck, Regional Director, NGCOA Canada
Phil Berube, CEO, Alberta Golf
Scott Hippe, President, CSCM – Alberta Chapter
Terri Solodan, Executive Director, AGSA