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September 2021

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We are hoping to have a big crowd to celebrate our 25th dinner. One goal is to have all our recognized teams be represented. Outstanding opportunity to see old friends and lie about how good you were. Purchase tickets for the dinner :


Thank You For a Successful Golf Outing!

I want to thank our approximately 100 golfers, sponsors, raffle donors, and volunteers who made our annual event a success. This fundraiser is another important program to keep our nonprofit sustainable.

Congrats again to Tom Lentine on his first shot of day ended up a hole in one. Extraordinary!!!

Out next outing will be run by Sal Vasta in May because our inductee dinner will be held in late October 2022. Thus we wanted to move up the outing to avoid the date being so close to the dinner.

Next up is our 25th annual inductee dinner. Hope to see everyone there.


Ron Kubicki


Pictured above is Tom Lentine who secured a hole in one on his first shot of the day!


Check Out Our New Website!

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We wanted a more contemporary style, clean graphics and more opportunities to see upcoming events and share more photos and videos.


Let us know what you think of the new look.  


Click the link to review at it:


It was created by Tiffany Hoffman and donated by Maagcommplus

"The Greatest Game on Dirt"


“A great historical montage depicting the great teams from every era. The reader can easily harken back to one’s 16 inch ball playing days with the pictures and history representing the many teams from the racial, ethnic, and diverse neighborhoods. This book has a memory for anyone who has ever played the game and has crooked fingers to prove it.” Lawrence Viverito

132 page 9 x 12 coffee style book takes you through the history of the game from 1887 to today’s teams and activities. 260 photos help tell the story. Also a chapter on the Hall of Fame celebrating its 25th anniversary. Author is Hall of Fame cofounder Al Maag. Some of the net profits will be donated to the Hall located in Forest Park. A great gift idea.

Purchase at:

Chicago 16-Inch Softball Hall of Fame

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